Found 970 results
The portal is gonna tear itself apart!
Big Hero 6
Can you walk? I will scan you now. Scan complete.
Big Hero 6
We can't! The containment field is failing.
Big Hero 6
- Heads up! - Whoa!
Big Hero 6
So people can tell me stuff I already know?
Big Hero 6
Careful! There's Krei Tech debris everywhere.
Big Hero 6
No! Quiet! Shh. We jumped out a window. You can't say things like that around Aunt Cass. Shh...
Big Hero 6
Gotta grab something.
Big Hero 6
What do you say, buddy?
Big Hero 6
Flying makes me a better healthcare companion.
Big Hero 6
I've gotta get you home to your charging station.
Big Hero 6
Come on, Mochi.
Big Hero 6
I can't stop you from going, but I'm not going to let you go on your own.
Big Hero 6
Get back here.
Big Hero 6
One time! Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames. Uh, who's Fred? This guy, right here!
Big Hero 6