Deacon! - Deacon, wakey, wakey. Hey! - Viago. Don't sleep in here. The curtain's opened. It's nearly morning. - Oh! - You want to get sizzled to a crisp? -What? - No, you gotta think a little bit about these things. Okay. - Sorry Viago. - It's okay. - Night. - Nigh..night! Okay.
What We Do in the Shadows
I must have blacked out, um... ...and then, I remember... - an ambulance. - He's going into shock. O'Leary. O'Leary! Yeah, coming! - Okay, calm down, mate. - Calm down.
What We Do in the Shadows
They didn't kill me. - It looks cool. - Thank you, thank you. Meet some of our friends.
What We Do in the Shadows
Looks like rabies, doesn't it? And I don't know how long after that was, but I like, woke up.
What We Do in the Shadows
Received at 4:20 AM: - Stu?! - Hey Deacon.
What We Do in the Shadows
- Stu! - How is it?
What We Do in the Shadows
- Hi, Anton. - Anton.
What We Do in the Shadows
I don't know cause... Ah, another failure! Well, what are you laughing at Stu? I was laughing with the group. - Yep, that's good. - Good answer! - That's good, yeah.
What We Do in the Shadows
That is a good one. I always look round to make sure they're all laughing. Like, if I see one of them is not quite laughing I'll be like, 'Hey!' 'You laughing?', and often I'll test you. - What are you laughing at, Justin? - Hey? - What are you laughing at now? - Just then? - Yeah, yeah, but what? Oh, I don't know. Ah, test failed! Test failed! You're laughing now. What are you laughing at now though?
What We Do in the Shadows
Some people freak out a bit about the age difference. Uh, they think, what's this 96-year old lady doing with a guy... four times her age? - And, you know, I don't care... - It doesn't make any difference. No, they can call me cradle-snatcher, who cares. I decided to bite her and we're gonna be together forever. - Wonderful. - Yah.
What We Do in the Shadows
We'll start in our bedroom, I need that totally boarded up or blacked out somehow. My husband is my familiar. So there's been a dynamic shift there. You could buy a Bedazzler. So write that down. Bedazzler, that's B-E-D... I feel like I'm who I'm really meant to be now.
What We Do in the Shadows
Good to see you. Look at his face! I saw them tear you to shreds! Look! He looks like Seal!
What We Do in the Shadows
Yeah, these guys have to laugh at my jokes, right guys? Yeah!
What We Do in the Shadows
And they had some, they like, lent me some pants.
What We Do in the Shadows
But I am your Master. - Okay? - Yeah.
What We Do in the Shadows
Anton, Deacon.
What We Do in the Shadows
Pauline and I are tentatively back together. But it's not long before you remember why it was we broke up in the first place.
What We Do in the Shadows
Yeah, these are the guys who, um, turned me into a werewolf.