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The Dark Knight Rises
He chased a gunman down into the sewers. When l pulled him out, he was babbling about an underground army. A masked man called Bane.
The Dark Knight Rises
Please, detective! Stop! Stop walking!
The Dark Knight Rises
You have ID?
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Keep some pressure on that, sweetheart. Call me?
The Dark Knight Rises
About the whole no-guns thing...
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
You'll just have to imagine the fire.
The Dark Knight Rises
Shoot them all. [GUNFIRE]
The Dark Knight Rises
Stay level.
The Dark Knight Rises
You three, down with me. You two, you go down, cover the next exit!
The Dark Knight Rises
[DOOR OPENS THEN CLOSES] Hmm. lt would have been a lot easier...
The Dark Knight Rises
Well, l was trying to be modest.
The Dark Knight Rises
And they're not your average brawlers.
The Dark Knight Rises
Not every cop.
The Dark Knight Rises
CATWOMAN: Just a little further. l had to find a way to stop them trying to kill me. You made a serious mistake.
The Dark Knight Rises