CATWOMAN: Just a little further. l had to find a way to stop them trying to kill me. You made a serious mistake.
The Dark Knight Rises
MERCENARY 1 : What do you think you're--?
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Molded by it. l didn't see the light until l was already a man. By then, it was nothing to me but blinding! The shadows betray you because they belong to me! l will show you where l have made my home... ...whilst preparing to bring justice. Then l will break you. Your precious armory. Gratefully accepted. We will need it. Ah, yes. l was wondering what would break first. [BATMAN YELLS] Your spirit... ...or your body.
The Dark Knight Rises
BANE: Not as serious as yours, l fear. Bane. BANE: Let's not stand on ceremony here... ...Mr. Wayne.
The Dark Knight Rises
Get me Commissioner Gordon. l got a line on the congressman's kidnapping.
The Dark Knight Rises
Peace has cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you.
The Dark Knight Rises
And they're not your average brawlers.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
You asked.
The Dark Knight Rises
What happened? Your masked man kidnapped the Wayne Enterprises board. He let most of them go, but he took three into the sewers. No more patrols. No more hide and seek. Get every available cop down there and smoke him out! The mayor won't want panic. So it's a training exercise. l'm sorry l didn't take you seriously.
The Dark Knight Rises
You were right, commissioner. Will you excuse us, please?
The Dark Knight Rises
Still don't trust me, huh?
The Dark Knight Rises
Where am l?
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
FOX: Where are you taking us?
The Dark Knight Rises
There is a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth: Hope. Every man who has rotted here over the centuries... ...has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy. So simple. And like shipwrecked men turning to seawater from uncontrollable thirst... ...many have died trying. l learned here there can be no true despair without hope. So as l terrorize Gotham... ...l will feed its people hope to poison their souls. l will let them believe that they can survive... that you can watch them clambering over each other to stay in the sun. You can watch me torture an entire city. And then when you have truly understood the depth of your failure... ...we will fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny. We will destroy Gotham. And then, when it is done... ...and Gotham is... ...ashes... ...then you have my permission to die.