What are you doing here? Civilian personnel aren't permitted in the cellblock. This is a military investigation. This is Mr. Jopling, sir. His employer's mother was one of the victims... Shut up.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
You work for the family Desgoffe und Taxis? Are you aware of the murder of Deputy Vilmos Kovacs on 23rd October? I'm aware of his disappearance.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
His body was found stuffed in a sarcophagus behind a storage room at the Kunstmuseum late last night.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Operator, get me the Excelsior Palace in Baden-Jurgen and reverse the charges, please.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
He was short four fingers. What do you know about that? Nothing.
MR. MOUSTAFA: The details of the conspiracy, now a matter of public record, were, at that time, impossible for us to apprehend.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I need to find him right away, for his own safety and everybody else's. If he shows up... Yes, sir? Tell him Jopling says, "Come home."
The Grand Budapest Hotel
You're supposed to also. I'll do that later. He suspects you're innocent. Of course he does. What's the charge?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
How may we serve you, gentlemen?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Yes, sir? You're his sister?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Don't give up.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
No, sir.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel
How does one come by front-row aisle seats for a first night at the Opera Toscana with one day's notice? How does one arrange a private viewing of the tapestry collection at the Royal Saxon Gallery? How does one secure a corner table at Chez Dominique on a Thursday? Ivan, darling, it's Gustave. Hello. Well, I was until about five minutes ago.