You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm... - And we'll all be together. - Exactly! There's games up there, and books, and... - The racecar track! - The racecar track. Thank you! - And the old TV. - There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations box. They're fun, right? Yeah. And someday, if we're lucky, Andy may have kids of his own. And he'll play with us then, right? We'll always be there for him. Come on, guys. Let's get our parts together, get ready, and go out on a high note. I 'd better find my other eye. Where'd you leave it this time? Someplace dark. And dusty. Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay. Don't worry. Andy's gonna take care of us. I guarantee it!
Toy Story 3
- I want to see! - Hey! - Rex! - It's my turn!
Toy Story 3
Almost there, guys.
Toy Story 3
Okay. First off, we all knew operation Playtime was a long shot.
Toy Story 3
- Can I have your stereo? - No. - Why not? - 'Cause I 'm taking it with me. - Can I have your computer? - No. - Your video games? - Forget it, Molly. Okay. Andy, let's get to work here. Anything you're not taking to college either goes in the attic, or it's trash. - Mom, I 'm not leaving till Friday. - Come on. It's garbage day. - Mom. - Look, it's simple. Skateboard, college. Little League trophy, probably attic. Apple core, trash. You can do the rest.
Toy Story 3
Now, I 'm going home. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome. Come on, Buzz. Buzz? Our mission with Andy is complete, Woody. What? And what's important now is we stay together. We wouldn't even be together if it weren't for Andy! Look under your boot, Buzz. You, too, Jessie. Whose name is written there? Maybe Andy doesn't care about us anymore.
Toy Story 3
"I came as fast as I could. Buzz, behind you!" "Got it, Woody."
Toy Story 3
- Woody? - Woody! Woody!
Toy Story 3
New toys!
Toy Story 3
- Rex? - Come to papa.
Toy Story 3
But... How do you know that? Chuckles. He'll tell you.
Toy Story 3
The Potato Heads. Mr. And Mrs. You gotta keep 'em together, 'cause they're madly in love. Now Slinky here is as loyal as any dog you could want. And Hamm, he'll keep your money safe, but he's also one of the most dastardly villains of all time, evil Dr. Pork Chop. These little dudes are from a strange alien world. Pizza Planet. And this is Buzz Lightyear, the coolest toy ever! Look, he can fly and shoot lasers! He's sworn to protect the galaxy from the evil Emperor Zurg. To infinity and beyond! Now, you gotta promise to take good care of these guys.
Toy Story 3
Hey, aren't you gonna say goodbye to Buster? Of course I am. Who's a good doggy? Who's a good doggy? I 'm gonna miss you. I 'm gonna miss you.
Toy Story 3
I 'm Andy.
Toy Story 3
Good boy. He's telling you to go already. Come on. Get the rest of your things.
Toy Story 3
Someone told me you're really good with toys.
Toy Story 3
This is Jessie, the roughest, toughest cowgirl in the whole West. She loves critters, but none more than her best pal, Bullseye. Here. This is Rex, the meanest, most terrifying dinosaur who ever lived!
Toy Story 3
- Andy? - Hi. Wow. Look at you. Well, I hear you're off to college. Yeah. Right now, actually. So, what can we do for you?