Found 695 results
We're going to send your wife some almonds. Chocolate covered versions of these.
The Dictator
Also, if you're interested in taking in a Broadway show while you're here, and you don't mind the homo stuff, I highly recommend Billy Elliot.
The Dictator
Twenty dollars a day for Internet? What the fuck?
The Dictator
Well, that's fine, because I'm not an Arab.
The Dictator
Beloved Oppressor, try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is your big speech. Nobody touch the minibar! It's a fucking rip-off!
The Dictator
Hello, Aladdin.
The Dictator
In fact, anyone from outside of America is technically an A-rab.
The Dictator
Listen, I understand that you're having urges, okay? Right. But you need to take care of them by yourself.
The Dictator
Well, you're all A-rabs to me, the blacks, the Jews, those blue tree-hugging queers in A-vatar.
The Dictator
We've actually already met.
The Dictator
Zoey, I'm not really Allison Burgers.
The Dictator
So let's not throw stones, okay?
The Dictator
You are out of your mind. You're insane! Well, you download songs illegally from the Internet.
The Dictator
Allison, before we go any further, there's something that I want to tell you.
The Dictator
Oh, he's not going to recover, sir. He's dead.
The Dictator
And children.
The Dictator
No, I am not going to do that.
The Dictator