Give me my ball back, bitch. You know, Stan, I feel sorry for you. - You don't know me. - Oh, but I do. All too well. You're the man. Captain of the basketball team. Dates the pretty girls. High school is your kingdom. But, people... ...Stan's a bully. Why? It'd be way too easy to say Stan preys on the weak simply because he's a dick. No. No, no. Stan here... much more complex than that. See, according to leading psychiatrists... ...Stan's a bully for one of three reasons.
17 Again
So please take one and pass it down. I have needs.
17 Again
You should be on the team. I'm going to get you on the team.
Settle, people. Settle down. Take the roughhousing outside, class.
17 Again
Love you. Nice chatting with you.
17 Again
17 Again
Sorry I'm late! Sorry I'm late!
17 Again
I was about to close!
17 Again
You can go in now.
17 Again
Well, that was fun. I haven't been to happy hour in, like, a week and a half. Naomi, thank you so much. That is exactly what I needed. Oh, great. Mike who? - Mike who? I've never heard of the guy. Ow.
17 Again
Go out there and push some pills, my peeps. Good job, baby!
17 Again
You're a legend. Yeah. Well, yeah. Twenty years. It's actually my last one. Good hops, kid. Nice handle.