The Trebles closing it strong like always. Absolutely tight. It's gonna be very hard to beat that tonight. Every other group has their work cut out for them, John. I'm glad it's not us anymore, Gail. Those days are over, thank goodness. Especially since they wouldn't have us back. All right. How about that? The Barden University Treblemakers. I love you, awesome nerds.
Pitch Perfect
So, have you guys been out on the quad yet? In the springtime, all the students study on the grass. I don't wanna study on the grass, Dad. I need to move to LA and get a job at a record label and start paying my dues. Here we go again. You know, Beca, DJing is not a profession, it's a hobby.
Pitch Perfect
Hey, this is campus police. Hide your wine coolers.
Pitch Perfect
My goodness gracious. Will you look at this?
Pitch Perfect
Just tell me where you're at with English.
Pitch Perfect
Another step in this competition and...
Pitch Perfect
Of course we waited up for you.
Pitch Perfect
We love you, Bellas!
Pitch Perfect
One, two, three, four.
Pitch Perfect
One, two...
Pitch Perfect
Unless you're Rick Dees or someone awesome. That's not... l... I wanna produce music. I wanna make music, Dad. But you're going to get a college education first. For free, I might add. End of story.
Pitch Perfect
Welcome to the finals of the 2012 international Championship of Collegiate A Cappella.
Pitch Perfect
Do you know what that means? Yes, Lilly? I think I have something that can help us out.