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The French are chastened, but not defeated, Harley. We must destroy them. Make them sue for peace with broken hearts and begging backs.
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You! Grab the bandage box off the shelf. The queen's had an attack of gout. Hurry!
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Well, what do you think you look like? A badger.
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MAN: Horatio has done it again.
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Lye is dangerous. It burns bad.
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The Favourite
Do you really think you can meet the Russian delegation looking like that? No.
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Did you just look at me? Did you? Look at me! Look at me! How dare you? Close your eyes!
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ANNE: Sarah! I'm here. I'm here.
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You might need gloves.
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Get back to your rooms.
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I will manage it.
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SALLY: Hello.
The Favourite
I can't. Ow! SARAH: Gently.
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- ANNE: I can't. - SARAH: Yes, you can.
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