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The Favourite
I've had wine.
The Favourite
GODOLPHIN: Your Majesty, if I may... There was very little mail today.
The Favourite
Shall we take the children for a walk in the garden?
The Favourite
We shall banish it from our minds.
The Favourite
- It is just... - She would not.
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The Favourite
There is no doubt that Marlborough is in trouble.
The Favourite
The Favourite
The Favourite
A minor hitch.
The Favourite
- All I ask is that you search your heart. - Of course. Not Lady Marlborough's heart, your own.
The Favourite
I would merely like to know of any plans Her Ladyship, Godolphin, or the queen may have. I will not betray my mistress's trust.
The Favourite
Do I look that bad? If I were a man, it'd be quite dashing, a scar like this.
The Favourite
No! Take the day off. I command it. Someone must run things.
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