You will get me some more of those herbs and not overstep again.
The Favourite
She feels another victory in will put us in a stronger position for a treaty. Her letters.
The Favourite
MARLBOROUGH: I must sleep with my men. It is only right.
The Favourite
A lot. I'd like an audience with the queen where I may state my case. State it to me. I love a comedy. Is there cake? HARLEY: This is a disgusting distortion of the system. You have no place in this. Your mascara is running. If you'd like to go fix yourself, we can continue this later.
The Favourite
HARLEY: A treaty would save money and lives. A win for all Englishmen. PRIME MINISTER: We go to them after one victory, they know we are scared. We bury more of them, they know we have them. The queen has decided, Harley. I disagree.
The Favourite
The Favourite
Which leads to stupidity.
The Favourite
Well, I really doubt you're quoting.
The Favourite
And thank you for the job.
The Favourite
The Favourite
He's a useful ally, but a dangerous enemy.
The Favourite
Our last farthing to protect England if we must. HARLEY: And our last man, too? Look, the dead pile up, as do the resentments. - Or that does not concern you? - SARAH: I grieve them all. In my heart, a scar for each, and I send my own beloved with them, chest bared. So do not lecture me on the cost.
The Favourite
I have sent for some lobsters. I thought we could race them and then eat them. - Oh, hello. - Oh, hello.
The Favourite
They'll be in with the lobsters.
The Favourite
Madame Tournee. You may have the tapestry budget you asked for. Spend one penny more and I will take your fingernails in lieu.