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I cannot get a tune out of my head.
The Favourite
You will be back in the street.
The Favourite
We drove through town.
The Favourite
Do not speak to me.
The Favourite
Not in the way I care for you, but enough to marry.
The Favourite
I have nothing to offer.
The Favourite
Of course. When...
The Favourite
I know that Harley has been in your ear and Abigail in your bed. Enough! You will be as I wish you to be from now on.
The Favourite
Morning. Morning.
The Favourite
- FOOTMAN: The prime minister and Mr. Harley. - SARAH: What is it? HARLEY: A thousand pardons, Your Majesty, but word from the front.
The Favourite
I am the queen. Do not try to do that thing you do. Do not try to manage this, as you cannot.
The Favourite
- You will do as I say. - [KNOCKING]
The Favourite
This cannot be all of it. - It is, ma'am. - Don't lean at me! Shall we request another fabric piece from your cousin in Florence?
The Favourite
ABIGAIL: [SIGHS] Thank you, thank you. [BELL RINGS]
The Favourite
No, I... A fabric piece from my cousin in Florence.
The Favourite
Lady Marlborough sent me, as I am an excellent whist player and she has been unavoidably detained with business of state, but will be here posthaste. It's my state.
The Favourite
ABIGAIL: Your Majesty, I wasn't always a maid. I'm educated, I speak Latin, French.
The Favourite