Jesus Christ. What, did you steal all this? You said you wanted some gum. Fuck I'm supposed to do, pay for it? Let's go.
Baby Driver
He won't say a thing. Will you, Baby? Hmm?
Baby Driver
Take this. Act like you know how to use it. Why would he need it? Got to swagger in like you got one, so we don't all look like a bunch of pussies. Darling excluded.
Baby Driver
Let's go.
Baby Driver
Tell me what we're gonna do with all that money. We're gonna go to Vegas. We'll put it all on red. We'll get married again. It'll be real romantic. Mmm. You know what was real, real romantic? What was real, real romantic? When you stabbed that guy. Which guy? The guy that robbed you, the guy that called you a whore, or the guy that looked at you funny? The last one. Yeah. I do remember that. Bats just looked at me funny.
Baby Driver
♪ When something is wrong ♪ With my baby ♪ Something is wrong with me... ♪
Baby Driver
What's he listening to? How the fuck I know? Let me check.
Baby Driver
The first one.
Baby Driver
Oh, well, don't.
Baby Driver
Chip's off the old block.
Baby Driver
I'll pick you up in the morning.
Baby Driver
Yeah. You don't look happy to see me. Why? I said we were straight, but did you think we were done? That that was it? Uh, I guess I did. Well, I could give you the good news and the bad news, except there is no bad news. The good news is you're about to make a lot of money. And the good news is you're about to make a lot of money. I got... I got a job, Doc. Yeah, but why slave away delivering GoodFellas pizzas just to afford a night out here, when you could make all that dough with a great fella? Me. And then take your gal here for fucking dinner every night of the week? You paid off your debt. Now it's time to profit. This is the fun bit, Baby. By the time this job is over, you'll be rolling in money, buying Maseratis and feeding your gal catfish dipped in gold. So, what do you say? You in?
Baby Driver
Keep it short.
Baby Driver
Atlanta Police Department! You on the ground, are you okay? Can you show me where you've been shot? Yeah.
Baby Driver
See you soon.
Baby Driver
The postal service is dying. People don't care about their mail anymore. Lucky for us, their loss is our gain.
Baby Driver
I used to fool around with cars when I was a kid. Drive around all night like a speed freak listening to the radio. I used to have my special tape that had my killer track on it. Get me flying. You got one of those? Sure.
Baby Driver
Hey, lovebirds. I was hoping I would catch you two. And here you are. Police have identified three of the four robbers. Killed were Monica Castello - and Leon Jefferson III. - Monica.