Here's Beca Mitchell, leader of the group. Look at these sequins and sparkles. Oh, my! Their feet just don't stop moving.
Pitch Perfect 2
Whoa! Another surprise! An overweight girl dangling from the ceiling. Who hasn't had that dream? Lots of us.
Pitch Perfect 2
You know, before coming to Barden, I had diarrhea for seven years.
Pitch Perfect 2
But yes, this is terrible. The dean is ready for you tramps.
Pitch Perfect 2
Oh, jeez.
Pitch Perfect 2
There is nothing in here that strips us of our national title. And if we're still reigning champs, then we are automatically invited to represent America at the World Championships this spring. Ah, yes, the World Championships of A Cappella, where, every four years, groups from around the globe compete for world domination. I'm sorry. I just feel like I always have to be on, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Well, look, ladies, we can't stop you from going to the Worlds competition. It's not gonna help your case here. Not at all. What if we win it? What if you win it?
Pitch Perfect 2
Oh, and, honey, don't be afraid to express yourself. And not with those weird buttons they wear in their earlobes. Unless you're gonna get a job... Mom, slow down. I'm not gonna do anything crazy. I'm just gonna write my songs and join an a cappella group. Not just any a cappella group.
Pitch Perfect 2
If you leave me now You'll take away the biggest part of me Mom. You want me to stop? Or I could keep singing! No, I don't know how I'm gonna get by without your spontaneous singing. Oh, honey, you're gonna love this place.
Pitch Perfect 2
We're gonna crush them. And when we do, we can stick it to these chumps who send us all this hate mail, like, "Sonia Sotomayor."
Pitch Perfect 2
The Bellas are an institution. My days as a Bella were the best... Best days of your life. I know. And I can't wait to be one.
Pitch Perfect 2
Oh, I can't. I just can't do it. Mom, you can do it. My only daughter, leaving the nest.
Pitch Perfect 2
Like, you... You out-perform the other groups?
Pitch Perfect 2
Just promise you'll call.
Pitch Perfect 2
Has anyone talked to Beca today? So? Any first-day jitters?
Pitch Perfect 2
You want me to call him now? Don't do it now.
Pitch Perfect 2
Let's go, let's go, let's go! Get up! Come on! To the table, please! To the table! Last one at this table has to help Frank watch YouTube videos to find the next Justin Bieber. Hey, so, I'm turning 25 next week, if anybody wants to get some drinks, celebrate. Frank, buddy, less talk.
Pitch Perfect 2
Go. All right.
Pitch Perfect 2
No, no. You know, I'm just gonna be moody and distant. Artists love that. I know I love that.