Every memory lives somewhere deep within. - Sweetie? - What? You have visitors. - Hey, Alan. - Hey, guys. - Hey, Phil. - Hey, buddy. - Stu would like to invite you to his wedding. - Is this true, Stuart?
The Hangover Part II
When a monkey nibbles on a penis, it's funny in any language.
The Hangover Part II
- This is your fault. - No, Dad. He's right. Mr. Srisai, Lauren. - I haven't been completely honest with you. - Stu? - Yeah? - Don't do this. Thanks, Phil, but gonna do it.
The Hangover Part II
Yeah! By the way, you have any idea where my finger is? Yeah, we gave it to a drug-dealing monkey. Bangkok. Yeah, right? Fucking Bangkok.
The Hangover Part II
Teddy, here. - Hi, Dad. - Oh, Teddy. - Are you all right? - Yeah, I'm okay. No! Your hand!
The Hangover Part II
It's funny. I can't remember anything... but when I woke up...
The Hangover Part II
Daddy, how can you do this?
The Hangover Part II
We came in a little hotter than we planned.
The Hangover Part II
You said I'm chok. Well, I'm not. I'm not some weird milky, ricey, watery goop... that you feed to infants and old people, okay? Maybe I would be if you added some cayenne pepper.
The Hangover Part II
Hi. Hi, everybody.
The Hangover Part II
I'm sorry we almost killed everyone with the boat. Just happy you're here.
The Hangover Part II
We are here today to encourage, celebrate ...
The Hangover Part II
- But for now, let's switch sides? - Yeah, okay. Thank you.
The Hangover Part II
But that same demon took us to hell and back to find him. We took on Bangkok and we won. And that's pretty fucking cool if you ask me. Right?
The Hangover Part II
I love your daughter and I'm gonna marry her... unless you have any problem with that. - I'm good. - All right.
The Hangover Part II
Point is... this demon takes me to some pretty weird places. And we lost Teddy for two days in Bangkok.