It's funny. I can't remember anything... but when I woke up...
The Hangover Part II
Hey! Whoa, whoa, hold on! Stop! - Guys, guys. Enough. - Why?! Why, Alan? s Why?!
The Hangover Part II
There's Teddy.
The Hangover Part II
- Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - More O. Hello. Hello. Go away, go away. Fucking make me crazy.
The Hangover Part II
Ten! This is it! Teddy! Teddy! Teddy! Look out, look out.
The Hangover Part II
Please. I was raised in yacht clubs. I know what I'm doing. You know where we're going?
The Hangover Part II
Holy shit.
The Hangover Part II
Alan? What did you do? Well, isn't it obvious? I spiked them with muscle relaxers. And, plus, my ADHD medication. - What?! - You drugged us again?! Not you. I just wanted to knock out Teddy so we could enjoy the weekend. "Enjoy the weekend"'? Alan, you told me that you didn't do anything. Alan, you swore to God. I just wanted things to stay the same. Look at my face! You ruined my life! You're not my friend. Don't say that, Phil. Are you serious? Even in America? - Yes! - Oh, God. Don't say that, Phil. Don't start crying, Alan. You're the bearded devil! You liked it. You smiled at me when I held up the marshmallows.
The Hangover Part II
That's bullshit. Ha, ha. You can't just skip out of a bachelor party, Stu. You see that? That's orange juice with a napkin on top. Do you know why? So nobody roofies me. Well, I refuse to eat fucking cantaloupe at a bachelor party. Come on. Don't you think you're overreacting? No, I don't.
The Hangover Part II
- Phone. - Hi, monkey. Look, Alan, Alan, go find the phone.
The Hangover Part II
Pretty cool room, Alan. Oh, thanks, Phil. My dad pays my rent. Alan, what the fuck? We were supposed to delete these. You made a promise. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell? I'm not cool with this at all. You can't have these.
The Hangover Part II
Brother Han took a vow of silence many years ago. It would be useless to try. Well, maybe he can write down what happened on a piece of paper. Actually, that would be cheating. Right, Grand Wizard? - Alan. - I'm afraid Fatty is right. See? What? None us will ever know what Brother Han knows. Oh, all right. So much for holy people. Bunch of bald assholes. Come on, let's go. Hey, you know what? FYI, you may wanna put some signs up that say "no talking"... before you unleash your dragon. - Yeah, that was a little rough. You're welcome for bringing him back safe. You know, we found him in a drunk tank. We did take him in the first place. Come on, guys, let's go.
The Hangover Part II
No, I don't understand what he said.
The Hangover Part II
- Wait, who's this fucking guy? - Teddy Srisai. What...? No, no, no. I'm so... It's the wrong guy. Sir. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Uh, there's been a mistake. He brought the wrong guy. That's not Teddy. Of course it is. We have his IDs and everything.