Sorry. Ahem. Sorry. Alan! What the fuck?! It's okay! it's okay. The gun, very sensitive. Very sensitive. - Everybody okay? - Yeah, okay. Okay? Then get the fuck back to work! Come on! Music, please!
The Hangover Part II
All right. I'm happy too.
The Hangover Part II
Teddy was with us last night.
The Hangover Part II
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is the White Lion.
The Hangover Part II
Bangkok has him now and she'll never let him go. You hear that? Huh? - Is this what you wanted? Happy now? - Phil. You're wasting your time. These monks take their vow shit seriously. Look at this. That's the sign of the Chiang Mei monastery just outside of town.
The Hangover Part II
Little worse than that.
The Hangover Part II
Nobody's reporting anybody. It's fine, Teddy. Have a little fun. - Careful. - What? Oh. What is this? Roasting marshmallows? Nice touch. - That was Alan's idea. - Oh. Good thinking, Alan.
The Hangover Part II
Stu, come on, get up. We got a situation.
The Hangover Part II
In my bottom?
The Hangover Part II
How'd we wind up with the monkey last night? Well, I needed some blow and Alan thought he was cute, so we stole him.
The Hangover Part II
- Hey, Phil. - What? Look who's back. Hi.
The Hangover Part II
Um, and a lot of thought have gone into this... and I hope that you appreciate it as much I di... Are going to. Okay. Guys.
The Hangover Part II
Okay. Look, we'll handle this. You get back there. You tell them that Alan and I got drunk with him, we're still partying. - You gotta go get married. - No, no. I'm not going back without Teddy. It's Lauren's little brother, he's lost, he's injured.
The Hangover Part II
What is that?
The Hangover Part II
He just did.
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover Part II
I'm sorry we almost killed everyone with the boat. Just happy you're here.