But then I look into Stu's eyes. He reminded me of my sweet brother, Chaiyo. For those who do not know... Chaiyo is learning-disabled and lives in a group home.
The Hangover Part II
Just run it by him.
The Hangover Part II
Affirmative, cadet. We're going south, through the Gulf of Thailand. Ha, ha. Good.
The Hangover Part II
Fuck the police! Fuck the police!
The Hangover Part II
I got it.
The Hangover Part II
So, what do you think? What? I'm sorry? The tattoo? You love it?
Phone. Phone. Who is it? Answer. Lauren's dad. It just reminded me. - Answer it. - I can't. He might know something about Teddy. We still have a shot. - I can't. - Get your head back into the fucking game.
The Hangover Part II
- Ouch. - I'm so sorry.
The Hangover Part II
Password? "Baloney1 Your password is "baloney1"? It used to be just "baloney." Now they make you add number.
The Hangover Part II
Thank you, Teddy.
The Hangover Part II
Thank you. You know that's a felony, right? Fuck you, man.