- Hello? - Who takes an all-day fishing trip... the day before a wedding? Yeah, ha, ha. I guess it was kind of stupid. Put Teddy on the phone.
The Hangover Part II
- Why, what's wrong? - Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Okay, good. Look at this. Look what I bring for him. Check it out, huh? Huh?
The Hangover Part II
Bros, finally! Is he coming or what? I've been waiting all day for him.
The Hangover Part II
Eh, I think your English is off. You're talking about my sperms.
The Hangover Part II
Yeah, Alan, are you sure this is the place? Yeah, pretty sure.
The Hangover Part II
I don't get it. Is this a magic show?
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover Part II
- Phil! - Phil! Jesus. - Phil? You're okay. - Fuck me. Give us back our monkey. What monkey? Get your own monkey!
The Hangover Part II
No, I don't understand what he said.
The Hangover Part II
I made love to a man with boobies. Listen, I promise you no one's ever gonna find out about this. But we just found out about it. And then we forget. That's what we do. I've done so much fucked up shit, and I just forget about it. - You have? - Yeah. You just forget. It goes away.
The Hangover Part II
What? What? Stu, come here. No, look at it. Stuart Price, get your ass back over here! - You got shot! - I know! - Hey. - Yo. You all right? Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay. Actually, bullet just grazed my arm. Eight stitches.
The Hangover Part II
Come on. Any time, Alan. He's pointing a gun at us. This is our monkey. Alan, no one's getting shot over a fucking monkey. Hand him over now. Oh, God, I never get to keep no monkeys.
The Hangover Part II
I'm just gonna forget about it. - Never happened. - Right.
The Hangover Part II
Oh, God.
The Hangover Part II
- Holy shit. it's from last night. - Hmm.
The Hangover Part II
Hey, you know what? Leave the hat.
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover Part II
That's it. it's just us. Breathe. - Chow so cold. - I'm gonna warm you up. Chow so cold. Chow so cold. You did good, buddy. You did good. Chow did good.