- Water. - Power's out. Come on, Stewie. Use that big Jewish brain. He's just not up for it ... - Phil? Phil. Phil, give me the phone. - it's Lauren. - I know. I need to talk to her. - I'm handling this. I'll handle this, Stu! - You're gonna break her heart! - Hey, sweetheart, it's me. I'm so sorry! Stu? What the hell is going on? What does he mean, you lost Teddy? What? ls that what Phil said? No, no, no. We misplaced Teddy. But we're all good now. We're headed back to the resort. See you soon. I love you so much. And I gotta go, but I'll see you soon. Bye. Stu!
The Hangover Part II
Ghost! There's a ghost!
The Hangover Part II
I have a demon in me.
The Hangover Part II
Power's out, Alan.
The Hangover Part II
So what?
The Hangover Part II
- Stu...! - Ah!
The Hangover Part II
Look at what I've done, Phil.
The Hangover Part II
It's okay.
The Hangover Part II
I'm gonna stay here in Bangkok. I think I belong here. Open up a little dentist office.
The Hangover Part II
Chow, calm down! Chow, calm down! - Fucking kill on me! - No, no, no. Ah.
The Hangover Part II
We gotta take the stairs. You're in Bangkok?
The Hangover Part II
I have a weakness for prostitutes.
The Hangover Part II
You sure about this?
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover Part II
Yeah, actually. You're getting married in Thailand. For starters, that's flights for me and Steph. That's two grand right there. My mother-in-law's watching the kids. Now she's got this whole new thing to hold over my head. Plus it takes five days to get there. It's a 16-hour flight. And it's beautiful when you get there. - Whatever. it's a hassle. - It is kind of far.