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How'd we wind up with the monkey last night? Well, I needed some blow and Alan thought he was cute, so we stole him.
The Hangover Part II
- Where's the code, Chow? - Check his little vest.
The Hangover Part II
- You got it, Alan? - Yeah, I got it, Phil. - Slow down, slow down, Chow! - Hold on, gay boys!
The Hangover Part II
- Fuck! - We gotta go right now.
The Hangover Part II
I'm trying! Slow down!
The Hangover Part II
It's okay.
The Hangover Part II
Oh, yeah. Of course. Cigarettes, got them right here. Here you go.
The Hangover Part II
They shot the monkey! I'm at my wits' end!
The Hangover Part II
Oh, no! They shot the monkey!
The Hangover Part II
There you go.
The Hangover Part II
Oh, shit.
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover Part II
It's funny. I've never been much of a smoker... but, boy, does it look cool on you. Alan! Come on, let's go! I'm gonna miss you, monkey.
The Hangover Part II
Deep breath. Good. Good. Smoke it in. Breathe the smoke into your tiny little lungs. There you go.
The Hangover Part II
- Everybody all right? - Yeah. Whoo! I have such an erection right now.
The Hangover Part II
Shh. It's okay. it's okay. it's okay.
The Hangover Part II
Get down! What the fuck?!
The Hangover Part II
He's coming back around.
The Hangover Part II