This is the worst idea ever. What the fuck is this place? "Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Its population is 12 million people." Alan, put the cards away and help.
The Hangover Part II
- Call an ambulance! - Shut up! He's dead. Look, if someone comes and finds a dead body and a pile of cocaine... we'll spend the rest of our lives in a Thai prison. Shh!
The Hangover Part II
- Come on. - Oh, fuck. No, the power's out. - We gotta take the stairs. - Ah, fuck!
The Hangover Part II
All right. All right! I just need a second to figure this out.
The Hangover Part II
Feet first, feet first. I've done this before. Alan.
The Hangover Part II
We are so fucked.
The Hangover Part II
Here it is.
The Hangover Part II
The roof!
The Hangover Part II
- Wait, who's this fucking guy? - Teddy Srisai. What...? No, no, no. I'm so... It's the wrong guy. Sir. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Uh, there's been a mistake. He brought the wrong guy. That's not Teddy. Of course it is. We have his IDs and everything.
The Hangover Part II
These were in his pockets when we made the arrest. They were in his pocket?
The Hangover Part II
We gotta get you out of the sun. Get you a hat. Yeah. Yeah.
The Hangover Part II
We love to party.
The Hangover Part II
- Hey, Phil. - What? Look who's back. Hi.
The Hangover Part II
"Ratchawang Police Station." Okay. Okay, I'll call you when we get there. - Teddy's in jail, but fine. We gotta get a cab. - Okay. All right.
The Hangover Part II
All I wanted was a bachelor brunch. Shit. Shut up, it's Doug. Talk to me.