- Wait, what did you just say? - Rapies. - Not you. Doug, what did you say before? - I said groundies. No, before that. You said, "You're more likely to wind up on the floor than..." - Phil. - Listen, Trace, I'm really sorry. L... [GRUNTING] TRACY [OVER PHONE]: Phil? Hello? - Tracy, it's Stu. Stu. Talk to me. What's going on? Uh, nothing. Don't listen to Phil. He's completely out of his mind. He's probably still drunk from last night. Where's Doug? STU: He is paying the bill. We just had a delicious brunch. We're in a hurry to get back, so we gotta get going. - Okay, we'll see you soon. Bye. - Stu. Stu. Fuck. - What the fuck, man? - I know where Doug is.
The Hangover
- Ha. I knew it. - Dad. Oh, stop it, I'm just jerking around. Alan, put some pants on. You have weird legs. Yes, Daddy. - His legs look fine, Dad. - Oh, please. He has his mother's legs. It's just freaky.
The Hangover
I want you to know, Doug, I'm a steel trap. Whatever happens tonight, I will never, ever, ever, speak a word of it. Okay. Yeah, I got it. Thank you. I don't think that... Seriously. I don't care what happens. - I don't care if we kill someone. - What? You heard me. It's Sin City. [WHISPERING] I won't tell a soul.
The Hangover
It's not like that. I already told you, Alan. Okay? We're just spending the night in Vegas. It's no big deal. Besides, you're not just my wife's brother, you're my brother now.
The Hangover
All right, buddy, we should get a move on. You know, Doug, I was thinking... If you wanna go to Vegas without me, that is totally cool, you know? What are you talking about? You know, Phil and Stu, they're your buddies, and it's your bachelor party. Come on, Alan. Those two love you. ALAN: And also, I don't want you to feel like you have to hold back... ...because your wife's brother's there. I just... It's not like that.
The Hangover
The Hangover
MAN: To my left a little. Thank you.
The Hangover
- Anything? TRACY: I tried them all. It keeps going straight to voicemail. Well, there has to be an explanation. Sweetie, it's Vegas. You lose track of time in casinos. There's no windows, there's no clocks. He's probably on a heater. And you never walk away from the table when you're on a heater. You do if you're getting married. [CELL PHONE RINGS] - Hello? - Ahem, Tracy, it's Phil. Phil, where the hell are you guys? [OVER PHONE] I'm freaking out. Yeah, listen. Uh... We fucked up. - What are you talking about? - The bachelor party, the whole night. It... Things got out of control, uh... ...and we lost Doug. - What? - We can't find Doug. What are you saying, Phil? We're getting married in five hours. Yeah. That's not gonna happen.
The Hangover
- Whoa, watch it, pervert! - Alan, he's just doing your inseam. - He's getting very close to my shaft. - All done. You can change now. Right. Thanks, Floyd. Thank you very much.
The Hangover
Thanks again for bringing him, by the way. You don't need to thank me, it's nothing. He's a cool guy. It's not nothing and he's not a cool guy... ...so thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
The Hangover
Can you believe this? Just two more days. DOUG: I know. You getting nervous? - You wanna back out? - Shut up. Just tell me. Oh. Mm.
The Hangover
Alan, I'm just teasing. You have wonderful legs. They're better than your mother's. They're beautiful.
The Hangover
- Thank you. [IN NORMAL VOICE] No, thank you.
The Hangover
The Hangover
I love you so much.
The Hangover
Okay. I got it.
The Hangover
PHIL [ON RECORDING]: Hey, this is Phil. Leave me a message or don't. Do me a favor, don't text me. It's gay.