Found 737 results
Can I ask you a question, Captain Calrissian? Anything, Han.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Sabacc. Sabacc. Got it. You play it before?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
A couple times, yeah.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
So this is, uh, Sabacc?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I'm a lucky guy.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Where's my VCX?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I don't like it. I don't agree with it.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You're down to 20.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You must have experience with these, right? Yeah, I could take it off. Fantastic! Along with five percent off your cut.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I'm definitely gonna have some words with someone about this.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
This is unbelievable!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Your plan is underway, Enfys. We've attached the homing beacon. They won't elude us now. Good.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Yeah. Come on, Chewie. Gonna need a little bit of that Wookiee oomph.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Looks to me like they impounded your ship, Lando.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
If they survive, they'll bring the prize to us.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You're getting the hang of this, Lando.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
This is a Corellian YT-1300.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Oh. You know your stuff.
Solo: A Star Wars Story