But I guess I have a while before you're old enough to understand these tapes. They're more for me at this point just so that I can get it straight.
The Terminator
Better than mortal man deserves.
The Terminator
That coffee's two hours cold. I put a cigarette out in it. - Did you reach the next girl yet? - No. I got her answering machine. - Send a unit. - I sent a unit. There's no answer. - The apartment manager's not in. - Call her. - I just called her. - Call her again. Give me a cigarette.
The Terminator
Are you injured? Are you shot?
The Terminator
Are you sure you have the right person? I'm sure. Come on! Do I look like the mother of the future? I mean, am I tough? Organised? I can't even balance my chequebook. Look, Reese, I didn't ask for this honour and I don't want it. Any of it.
The Terminator
Come on.
The Terminator
Get out.
The Terminator
That bum. So what if he has a Porsche? He can't treat you like this. It's Friday night, for Christ's sake. I'll live. I'll break his kneecaps.
The Terminator
I was dreaming about dogs. We use 'em to spot Terminators. Your world is pretty terrifying.
The Terminator
This isn't real leather, is it?
The Terminator
- I'm coming. - We need a room. - With a kitchen. - Do you have one with a kitchen?
The Terminator
Hold on.
The Terminator
- Ginger, have you seen Pugsley? - Not lately. Did you check messages? I thought you did.