Sarah Connor? It's Lieutenant Traxler. Don't put me on hold. Don't transfer me to another department. I won't. Can you tell me where you are? - I'm in this bar called Tech Noir. - I know it. It's on Pico. - Are you all right? - Yeah, but I don't wanna leave. - I think there's a guy following me. - Now, listen carefully. You're in a public place so you'll be safe. Stay visible. Don't go outside. - I'll have a car there in a minute. - OK.
The Terminator
- We gotta get you to a doctor. - It's OK. Forget it. What do you mean, forget it? Are you crazy? Take this off.
The Terminator
- You mean you got shot? - It's not bad.
The Terminator
All right. Let's get this off the road.
The Terminator
Listen, are you sure it's them? I mean, maybe I should look at the bodies. No. They've been identified and there's no doubt.
The Terminator
You'll be perfectly safe. We got 30 cops in this building.
The Terminator
- Good night. - Good night.
The Terminator
The Terminator
Are you sure you have the right person? I'm sure. Come on! Do I look like the mother of the future? I mean, am I tough? Organised? I can't even balance my chequebook. Look, Reese, I didn't ask for this honour and I don't want it. Any of it.
The Terminator
With the 1 32nd under Perry. From '21 to '27. That's the year 2027? That's right. Then I was assigned... - This is fucking great. - ..under John Connor. - Who was the enemy? - A computer defence system... Goddamn! Sorry. ..built for SAC-NORAD by Cyberdyne Systems. I see. And this computer thinks it can win by killing the mother of its enemy. Killing him, in effect, before he's even conceived. A sort of retroactive abortion?
The Terminator
No, I can't tell you where I am, Mom. I was told not to say. I need to know where to reach you. You tell me to hide out at the cabin and you won't tell me what's going on? I am worried sick here.
The Terminator
Hold on.
The Terminator
I caught one back there.
The Terminator
He's about my height. He has your eyes. What's he like? You trust him. He's got a strength. I'd die for John Connor. Well, at least now I know what to name him. Don't suppose you know who the father is so I won't tell him to get lost? John never said much about him. - I know he dies before the war... - Wait.
The Terminator
Get some sleep. It'll be light soon.
The Terminator
KFLB news time. 4.36. Top story - the largest single law enforcement mobilisation in California history is currently underway. Police in five counties are engaged in a massive manhunt for... Take this.