I want Mike Chadway to go down in flames. I want Mike Chadway to be nothing but a pile of ash next to you. I want the janitor to come vacuum up the ashes of Mike with his Dustbuster... ...and when he dumps it outside, I want the rats to vomit and defecate...
The Ugly Truth
Well, then maybe you heard I turned it down. You did?
The Ugly Truth
Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Somebody help me! Somebody help me! I'm stuck in a tree! Help me! Anybody! - I'm stuck in a tree! I'm stuck! - Stay, stay calm. - You're gonna be fine. - Get me down! Get me down!
The Ugly Truth
Second of all, you're supposed to do that to 25-year-old girls... ...who think they're hot and can get any guy they want... ...not 14-year-old girls.
The Ugly Truth
Yes. I've got a list of demands that I would like to make after the show... ...and let me just warn you, they're gonna be scatological.
The Ugly Truth
They don't even know they're on the air, do they? Is there any way to tell them they're on the air? - Nope. - Oh, they're gonna curse. I know it.
The Ugly Truth
- I had a really good time tonight. - Me too. Yeah.
The Ugly Truth
Well, I was very pleased with the choice of restaurant.
The Ugly Truth
What? What, baby?
The Ugly Truth
I'm so sorry. - Oh, God. I'm so, so sorry. - No, it's okay. You know, I can get this out. I'm sure I can. - What fabric is this? - I don't know. Cotton? Cotton. Cotton's the worst. Well, actually, leather's the worst. - After that would be suede. - Okay. - I think I can get it out. - Abby.
The Ugly Truth
Saw me what? What, you saw me introduce them to some network executives? They wanna be actresses, baby. I mean, who am I to kill their dream?
The Ugly Truth
Just do it.
The Ugly Truth
Sorry. Oh, my God.
The Ugly Truth
The Ugly Truth
Hey, how are you, folks? All right, Mike, welcome. Now, listen. Men, we men, I think I can say "we men." Not necessarily "wee" men, but men of all sizes... - No, I get it. I get it. - We're not known for our expertise... ...in matters of the heart.
The Ugly Truth
All right. I'll just come up.
The Ugly Truth
- Who's Doug? - He's just a guy I'm seeing. It's nothing serious. Just a guy I'm seeing. It's nothing serious.