I've come to know them weII. They have honored me with their support and their friendship. I can proudly say that some of my very best friends are ItaIian-Americans.
The Godfather Part II
In the hopes of cIearing my famiIy name to give my chiIdren their share of the American way of Iife without a bIemish on their name and background, I have appeared before this committee and given it aII my cooperation.
The Godfather Part II
It wouId be a shame, Mr. Chairman, if we aIIowed a few rotten appIes to give a bad name to the whoIe barreI. Because from the time of Christopher CoIumbus to the time of Enrico Fermi to the present day, ItaIian-Americans have been pioneers in buiIding and defending our nation.
The Godfather Part II
That I have never been arrested or indicted for any crime. That no proof Iinking me to any criminaI conspiracy whether it is caIIed Mafia or Cosa Nostra or any other name has ever been made pubIic. I have not taken refuge behind the Fifth Amendment, aIthough it's my right to do so.
The Godfather Part II
I'm going to talk to Fredo.
The Godfather Part II
Come on! I saw this 19 times.
The Godfather Part II
I'll change. I've learned that I have the strength to change.
The Godfather Part II
Do you expect me to let you go, to let you take my children from me?
The Godfather Part II
In time, you'll feel differently.
The Godfather Part II
An abortion, Michael. Just like our marriage is an abortion. Something that's unholy and evil! I didn't want your son, Michael! I wouldn't bring another one of your sons into this world! It was an abortion, Michael. It was a son and I had it killed because this must all end! I know now that it's over. I knew it then. There would be no way, Michael, no way you could ever forgive me. Not with this Sicilian thing that's been going on for 2,000... -You won't take my children. -I will. -You won't take my children! -They're my children too.
The Godfather Part II
I swear I'll make it up to you. I'll...
The Godfather Part II
I know you blame me for losing the baby.
The Godfather Part II
The Godfather Part II
We're leaving tomorrow.
The Godfather Part II
Why don't you take the kids back to their room? -Michael, you haven't heard me. -Kay, what do you want from me?
The Godfather Part II
I know what that meant to you.
The Godfather Part II
Don't you know that?
The Godfather Part II
-My future. -Mikey, he has high hopes for you. -I have my own plans for my future. -Did you go to college to get stupid? He's here!