My feet hurt. How much further? About ten seconds less than the last time you asked me. I'm sorry, I just feel like we could have parked a little bit closer. He doesn't know we're coming, and I didn't want to spook him. "Spook him." He's a superhero, not a deer. All right, let's go. And then you can tell Waller that even though she thinks this guy could be a good addition to the team, we never actually met him because you wore shitty walking shoes. [chuckles] Okay, first of all, they're boots, and they're not shitty, they're new. -I just haven't had a chance to break them in yet. -Shut up. Waller said this guy is as powerful as they come, but a little immature. Oh, great.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[people shouting]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Yeah. [Shazam] Whoo! She sure didn't see that coming because she didn't go to the eye doctor. [chuckles] [Shazam] Uh, Darla, that was, 'cause... -[rattling] -A euphemism. That was a euphemism.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[magical voices] Say the word. Say the word. -Shazam! -[crackling] [dramatic music playing]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Darla... It's okay. Good girl. [snorting] [suspenseful music playing]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[creature roars] [people shouting, screaming]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Trying to get into the spirit of things.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Kalypso, hand me the staff.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Now. Now.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[dramatic music playing]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
I suck balls at this. [guns firing in video game] Why do we always have to play war games? Hey, it's practice for our other job. -[scoffs] -I'm serious. Military strategy, multiple team members, each with a special skillset unleashed against an unknown enemy. [Victor] I know how it sounds, but the house keeps getting struck by lightning, Leo. I'm telling you. Besides, you're the one always talking about teamwork. -But we don't need guns! -[gasps] [Mary] Darla? [Freddy] This is it. This is big time. -We are the guns. -[Mary] Darla! Why were there Skittles in my pockets? It was supposed to be a surprise. It was. Hmm, she's very moody lately. Why do you think I put Skittles in her pocket? -Oh. -[Rosa] Whoo! Ole. [Victor] Is this an army of unicorns -killing Genghis Khan? -Yes. Unicorns aren't real. It's called speculative history, Eugene. Look it up. [Eugene] Billy, you can't just leave. Your guy's gonna die! Whoo! [laughs] [chattering on tv] -See? -Yes. I told you you would get into it if you gave it a chance. Yeah, I'm really starting to see the appeal.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Trauma? Uh, I don't know. I mean, I never met my dad. Uh, my mom abandoned me at a Christmas carnival. I spent a lot of time in the foster system, ran away from 11 homes, got into a lot of fights. Then I was abducted by a wizard who gave me superpowers and then dude just, like, died in front of my face. That's not a small amount. A doctor conjured seven demons and held my whole family hostage, so we had to rip out one of his eyeballs, and then everybody got superpowers, but now everyone's kind of, like, doing their own thing and I'm the only one trying to keep everybody together. Okay, okay. Well, let's just process that. Right? Rejected by your parents, then by the system, and now rejected by a city you try to protect. I never said I was rejected by my city.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[man 5 in English] Oh, my God! Look out! [people coughing]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
"Rejected by city." That's the Tribune. Nobody reads the Tribune. -I do. -Anyway, okay, well, um... I, uh, appreciate your help, but I got some real problems. There's this terrorist hostage situation going on, so... -Hostage situation? -Yeah.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[door closes] [guns firing] [shouting in video game]