She smells funny. Robert, please! How did they find us so quickly? You tell me. No games. What makes you think this is a game?
Hitman: Agent 47
You always were a small man, Antoine.
Hitman: Agent 47
You want the next generation of Agents. ..
Hitman: Agent 47
Give me what I want, and I'll leave her in peace. I give you what you want, there will be no peace. Mr. Chairman.
Hitman: Agent 47
Yes, but what about your daughter?
Hitman: Agent 47
Be careful, little girl. This world is a dangerous place.
Hitman: Agent 47
Everybody who comes in here is running.
Hitman: Agent 47
What you did... when you chose to play God can never be undone. You can't run from what you are. So, I should... embrace it? Restart the program with you at its head?
Hitman: Agent 47
I've bet my wealth, my company, my reputation... everything, on the success of this program, you understand.
Hitman: Agent 47
I can't be expected to sort through every one of them for your mystery man, can I?
Hitman: Agent 47
You can't. Maybe not, but you can.
Hitman: Agent 47
You're a bastard. I know. No. You don't. You're a result of inferior technologies. A failed experiment. An Agent's advantage is not his body, John Smith. It's his mind. You will never be as good as him.
Hitman: Agent 47
For fuck's sake, Doctor, give me what I need.
Hitman: Agent 47
The key to everything... is in your mind, and you're going to give it to me.
Hitman: Agent 47
Then you're going to die. I'm already dead.
Hitman: Agent 47
I can.
Hitman: Agent 47
But you've been looking in the wrong place. You thought the girl was merely a way to find Litvenko. A means to an end.