I cannot respond with anything less... than the totality of my strength!
The Interview
Questions that led a man... once revered as a god... among mortals... ...to cry and shit his pants."
The Interview
Tensions between your nation and South Korea are at a high. It's fair to say that you're on the brink of armed conflict. So what I want to know is... in these times of great stress... do you do karaoke? Yes, I do, Dave. I believe that it is important for those in power... to remain in touch with the beauty in life. You are also a very accomplished painter, aren't you? Well, how can I not be? - He's reading the script. - He lulls them and then he gets them. It's his technique. The beauty guides you. It guides my hand.
The Interview
They call me incompetent. That's what they said about me when I scored this interview! - No way! - They said, "Dave Skylark is stupid... and incompetent." You're handsome, competent, suave. How dare they? I pretend like their insults don't get to me.
The Interview
The Interview
Oh, shit! Oh, shit.
The Interview
- Aaron? - Hello. We never got a chance to formally meet, Mr. Great Leader. I just wanted to shake your hand. Well, any friend of Dave is a friend of mine.
The Interview
- Look. You have a sound system in here? - Oh, no, no, no. Don't touch.
The Interview
No! Get him!
The Interview
Then, why don't you feed them?
The Interview
- I don't know what you're singing. - You know what it is. - No, I don't. - You don't need to lie.
The Interview
Oh, shit, what's wrong?
The Interview
Let me ask you something.
The Interview
Oh, no.
The Interview
I enjoyed your interview, guys. Now, try not to fuck up your extraction. Get home safe. Guess who's going to America where they don't eat doggies? - And you get all the good stuff. - Let's just go. Can we please go?
The Interview
Raise your glasses. Koh and Yu! Koh and Yu possessed the finest trait men can have: Loyalty. I know how you feel. My dog Digby died when I was a kid, and I'm still fucked up about it.