- She's loyal to Kim. - No! Dude! She was just telling me she's with us. I hate Kim. He is a terrible leader. - See? - Okay. She can help us kill him. What? No! No! No killing! Kim must die! That's the American way. How many times can the U.S. make the same mistake? As many times as it takes. Killing Kim won't change anything. You said it yourself! We gotta do something. Right? He will be replaced. He has brothers, other generals. The people need to be shown that he is not a god. That he is a man. Then they will be ready for change. Yeah? How?
The Interview
...hot CIA honeypot bombshell." "Maybe a few drones... or a secret CIA watch." - You got Skype. - So good to see you. Wait, someone else wants to say hi.
The Interview
- Yes, I pee and poo. - So you have a butthole? I've got a butthole, and it's working overtime. You are awesome.
The Interview
But they do. You know what's more destructive than a nuclear bomb? Words.
The Interview
This is so cool! - A tank! - Yeah, a tank.
The Interview
Get them in.
The Interview
Good evening. And good morning to our viewers around the world. I'm Dave Skylark. Thank you for joining me for this historic moment in history. I'm with President Kim Jong-un... of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. We are broadcasting from a station outside of Pyongyang... for this very special edition of: Skylark Tonight.
The Interview
You've been with Dave a long time. He's a hard guy to leave. You like the money and can't say no to Dave. No. Yes! I know you. You're fucking awesome. - No, I don't understand you. - You know, it's a little bit weird. Do you have a boyfriend? Is that too forward of me to ask?
The Interview
Excuse me. - Did you just shart? - No, I didn't. It was that camera guy. It wasn't me. Ladies and gentlemen, Kim Jong-un has just pooed in his pants.
The Interview
You can do it. I'm Dave Skylark... and I can interview anyone. - Yeah, you can. - Let's take this motherfucker down!
The Interview
- Then why don't you drink them? - I don't like brain freeze.
The Interview
Kiss her, dude.
The Interview
Slow push!
The Interview
Know what my father said to me on his deathbed? What did he say, Dave? "I'm disappointed because you haven't done enough with your life."
The Interview
No. Just thought it'd make you feel better. That was your one true love. Now she's gone. Doesn't make me feel any better.