No! Whoa! No! - No hands. - No hands? I'm not into handsy shit. That's how I like it.
The Interview
Good morning, Dave.
The Interview
That our luxurious lifestyles turned us into homosexuals.
The Interview
- You said no hands! - You hit me with your hand! How do I get it off?! Use your big, fat American teeth. Okay! I will! This is awesome. Yeah!
The Interview
If a billion people across the earth and in my own country... must be burned to prove it... then my worthiness as a Kim... will be demonstrated!
The Interview
Balls to the wall!
The Interview
Your attendance is required in the banquet room of the Eternal Leader. - Hey, how you doing? - Yeah, seriously. You look fantastic. Your obsession with my well-being is only making me more suspicious of you. Don't be suspicious. - I want to know what your routine is. - Do you take vitamins? - You're doing something right. - You look good. Do not ask us any more question. Meet us in the banquet hall.
The Interview
Hey. Dude, you just spent the fucking day with Kim Jong-un. What happened?
The Interview
The Interview
The Interview
She honeypotted me. - What? What are you talking about? - Sook. Think about it, man. I mean, she researched me, she seduced me... she commandeered my plans, made them her own. She used me. I'll admit it was for, like, a really good fucking cause... but she honeypotted me.
The Interview
- Where are we? - I don't know. Is this China? - I don't know. Looks like North Korea. - Yeah.
The Interview
- That's a great saying, okay? - Hate us because they ain't us! They hate us because they ain't us!