I hear that absolutely everyone here is starving to death. No.
The Interview
We speak different languages.
The Interview
Goodbye, Dave.
The Interview
Hi, little fatty. Hi.
The Interview
We are different people.
The Interview
No, no!
The Interview
- I don't know what you're singing. - You know what it is. - No, I don't. - You don't need to lie.
The Interview
I live a lonely life, Dave. And it warms my heart to know that there is someone in this world... with whom I can truly be myself.
The Interview
Of course, Dave.
The Interview
But I have to stay here for my people.
The Interview
- What do we do? - He's gonna poo.
The Interview
This is Aaron Rapaport from Skylark Tonight. We heard your Supreme Leader is a fan of our show... and we'd love to have him on. Please get back to me. I'm about to head into a meeting, but I'll be around in the morning. Hope to hear from you.
The Interview
He ate it. He fucking ate it. - You're not supposed to touch it. - And he ate it. - Chewing. Chewing it! - Shit! Fuck. Shit! He's gonna die. Look, look, look. He's probably Kim's triggerman, okay? He's probably killed, like, tons of people. He's probably worse than Kim. And we're okay with killing Kim. How the fuck are we gonna do that? We don't have any poison anymore! Well, what happened to it? - Somebody ate it. - Someone ate it? - Why the fuck did you switch bags? - Yeah, Dave. All right, all right! I shouldn't have switched the bags. Sorry. Listen, just sit tight. I am going to contact you. Do not fall asleep. I'll figure out a way to fix this. - Thanks. Why'd you tell her? - It's the truth. - Why'd you tell her that he ate it? - He did! Dude. That was a cock block. Get me Major Franks at the Osan Air Force Base.
The Interview
- Yes, I pee and poo. - So you have a butthole? I've got a butthole, and it's working overtime. You are awesome.