I'm not fucking going. You are definitely going. Tell him he's fucking going. Tell you what, why don't you fucking go, Mr. Self-Righteous? You're constantly saying what assholes we are, how good you are. You go get us some fuckin' water.
This Is the End
We gotta hide. We gotta hide. I know! He's coming! He's coming! I know he's coming! I don't know what the fuck to do! I don't know...
This Is the End
Jonah! Jonah! Jonah, stop this! Please! Jonah, where the fuck are you? Why did you vomit on us!
This Is the End
Now you're doing loud nose breathing. Am I? I don't know where else to breathe from.
This Is the End
Man, let's take this back to Franco's, get the fuck out of here. Uh, uh...
This Is the End
This shit's cray cray, guys.
This Is the End
It's working.
This Is the End
No, no, no, no.
This Is the End
This Is the End
Mmm! You just swallowed it, man. It's so good. Give me a bite. Mmm! The second it hits your mouth is, like, amazing.
This Is the End
Oh, fuck.
This Is the End
Ow! Fuck! Shit!
This Is the End
Jesus, open, God damn you, open!
This Is the End
Oh, fuck! Is he okay? Dude! Jonah! What the fuck? What do we do? - Do you know first aid or anything? - No. Jonah! I suck at first aid. Are you okay? Shit! Jonah? Oh, no. Low blood sugar. LBS. LBS! He's having an LBS episode! I'll get the Milky Way! You get the Milky Way!