Oh. Wow. That's insane, man. No, no, no, no, no, no. That's Heaven. Anything you could think of is yours.
This Is the End
Who wants it, you piece of shit? Man, we should go back. We should go back and help him. We should go back.
This Is the End
Fucking Rapture. Holy shit! It worked!
This Is the End
Oh! What? Holy shit! That's awesome!
This Is the End
Ow! Shit, fuck! Get him!
This Is the End
Got to get Rogen.
This Is the End
Oh, my God. I did it, man. What? Let's get into it. Oh, my God, bud. It's Gandalf the Grey's pipe. Damn, no shit. Hello, little hobbit. Spark my ganja. Yeah.
This Is the End
Oh, hey, John! Over here! Welcome to Los Angeles International Airport. Attention, all passengers. Do not leave your baggage unattended. All unattended baggage is subject to search... Yay! We're so happy! Look at this! What's happening, man? Good to see you, buddy. How you doing? I'm good, man. Yes, you are.
This Is the End
I'm a well-known homosexual advocate. # Backstreet's back, all right # Hey, hey, yeah, well # Everybody Rock your body # Everybody # Everybody # Rock your body right # Rock your body # Everybody! # Backstreet's back... # Oh, my eyes feel like they're melting. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I need a break.
This Is the End
Look at it, man. Oh, my... Are you serious? It's all of your favorite things. Starburst and Airheads on a... Yeah. And it says "Jay. " In joints. In joints. It says "Jay" in jays.
This Is the End
Each bite is better than the previous bite. It is. Gluten!
This Is the End
Lay it on me. Ooh! I don't want to ruin it.
This Is the End
Yo. Danny and Jonah's shift ends in ten minutes, so our break is almost over.
This Is the End
Fuck this shit.
This Is the End
See that? I fucking slide right in that shit. I do whatever I want. This is my gimp. Channing, introduce yourself.