Oh, my God! I got it. I got it, guys. There's blood all over my floor! Time to relax for a second. Okay, someone should look out the hole. I ain't looking out that hole! Last person looked through that hole got his head chopped off! Wait, wait, wait, wait. Whatever is out there might still be out there.
This Is the End
Should I shoot? - Shut up, Franco! - Shoot the door, Franco!
This Is the End
Okay, I know, I know. Come on. Come on. Come on.
This Is the End
This Is the End
God damn it!
This Is the End
I'm gonna come down here. Oh, yeah, good, yeah. Get in here, man. Get right in there. So, you're gonna... Right here. Right here. I feel better, actually. I like that.
This Is the End
Oh, man.
This Is the End
All right, buddy. Now I'm gonna, I'm gonna swing across. I got you, buddy. You're gonna hold my weight, all of it. Okay, come on. You can hold on to my full weight? I can do it. I don't want to die. Okay. One, two... Two, three.
This Is the End
You want to go best two out of three? If I tug, if I pull in any way, or if you hear me screaming, anything, you pull me right back in, all right? Yeah. We'll try, man, but you're pretty heavy.
This Is the End
All right, guys. The door to the basement's out there, around the side of the house. I know for sure there's at least two jugs of water. Okay. Uh...
This Is the End
Pull. Nice. Very nice. Everyone thank Craig for doing this. Thanks, Craig. Thank you, Craig. Go for it, Craig. Getting smoky in here. Go, go, go, go.
This Is the End
It's me, Jonah! It's me, Jonah Hill. America's sweetheart. J - bug, J - bone. Your friend. I would never hurt you. Get back!
This Is the End
# So you know that when you die # He's gonna recommend you # To the spirit in the sky # Spirit in the sky # Right? Do you love it? Do you love it?
This Is the End
Come, hold my hand, buddy! Hold my hand! Yeah! You did it! You did it! Yeah! You did it! Yeah!
This Is the End
Rope burn! Ah! Ooh! Grab it, grab it, grab it! Oh, no, no, no, no! Shit. Oh, no. Shit. Shit.
This Is the End
This Is the End
Always have. Ever since I was a baby. I wouldn't just suck on my mama's titties. I would fucking bang 'em and motorboat 'em.