Like an angel. What about the host of the party? # I ain't got no panties on # He ain't got no panties, everybody! # We ain't got no panties on # We ain't got no panties on # We ain't got no panties on # Ain't nobody got no panties on # We ain't got no panties on # Ain't no party like a no-panty party # 'Cause a no-panty party don't stop # Fuck those panties # Fuck those... # Fuck those panties # Fuck those panties # What's not kid-friendly? There's a lot of sharp edges. Concrete, sharp edges. He's gonna bust his head open on one of those things. A kid could fall off this fucking railing right here. That's why you have the railing, so they don't fall. Hey. Sorry. I want to have kids one day. Hey, Jay. Oh, hey, hi, Jonah. Is there any place around here I can buy a pack of cigarettes? Yeah. There's a place like, it's like, four blocks away, maybe.
This Is the End
The fuck, Seth? I don't know what's happening!
This Is the End
Hey, you need to use the toilet, honey? Go ahead.
This Is the End
Oh, my God! Oh, oh... Oh, Jesus.
This Is the End
Oh! Jesus! Hey, Jay.
This Is the End
Run! Jesus Christ!
This Is the End
What about...
This Is the End
Why the fuck did you bring me down here?
This Is the End
Oh, it's so bright in here. It is fucking bright. Oh, I'm so high. There's so many delicious choices. What do I do? I'm gonna get something to drink. Okay. Excuse me, would it be possible for my daughter to use your restroom? She's really got to go. Read the sign. Customers only. Seriously? Why the fuck you think I put up the sign? It's okay, Dad. I can hold it. Let's just buy something for your mother. Yeah, well, I guess you better, huh? This cash register lady is mean. I have anxiety. Will you buy this for me? When I'm stoned, I can't do this. I think I'm just gonna head back to your place. I'm not really liking it very much over there at Franco's. Dude, I want you to get to know these guys. That's never gonna happen if you don't put in any effort whatsoever, okay? I hate it in there. I just want to drink some pop and smoke some weed.
This Is the End
And Danny fucking eats me. Why does he eat you? I don't know. I'm just trying to think of, like, the nastiest way to go. Yeah, he could eat you. Okay. That's a good idea, man. He's just out of his mind. He just, like, eats me.
This Is the End
Who wants a sip? Sip time.
This Is the End
Nope, I'm... I sorry.
This Is the End
What about me?
This Is the End
Now, fellas, I want you to real sexy right now. We're gonna sing to all the ladies. All the fellas go like this, in your Barry White voice. # Take your panties off # Take your panties off # Come on, Rihanna Take your panties off for me # Come on, Craig, can you fuck off for me? # I'll do one of them things.
This Is the End
I have no idea what he's talking about honestly. Did anybody get sucked up into the sky? I didn't see anything. I don't know what he's talking about. You were there with me. What are you saying? All those people that were in the store with us, they just fucking vanished. I didn't see blue light sucking people up in the sky. You sound crazy, man. We should just be lucky we're... It's not over! It's okay. Just relax.
This Is the End
Craig, Craig, help me. I'm losing my grip! It's too late for you! You're already in the hole! What the fuck are you talking about? Get the fuck out of my way!
This Is the End
No, okay, ask Seth. He was... You were there. Tell them. Seth, what the fuck's he talking about?