Tell you what, boys, I'm kind of jonesing, so I'm gonna find someone I can bum a smoke off of outside, all right? That's tight, dude. Honestly, I like you. Hey, likewise. Okay, dude, come back. I'll be right back. You're holding court. All right, boys.
This Is the End
You okay, man? It's nothing. It's just, you know, as soon as we got there, you did what you said you wouldn't do. What did I do? You just fucking ditched my ass. I didn't ditch you. Are you kidding me, man? I did not ditch you. I was talking to Jonah, and then you left to go have a cigarette. Well, you know, my cigarette was an excuse. I really went outside 'cause Jonah was being a prick. Jonah was not being a prick. If anything, you were kind of being a prick. Jonah's the nicest guy ever, man. Oh, my God, that's a thin veneer of kindness. Nobody's that nice. Jonah is that nice. Serial killers are that nice. Just answer me one question. Is Michael Cera's butthole as adorable as I pictured? Oh, for fuck's sake. I picture it looking like a little donut, like a little pink sprinkled donut.
This Is the End
"You never know what you're gonna get. "
This Is the End
Seth Rogen! Shit, here we go. Hey. How's it going, man? Yeah, good. So, you, like, always play, like, the same guy in every movie. When are you gonna do some, like, real acting, man? Okay, thank you. Give me something. Give me, like, the laugh, man. Give me the Seth Rogen laugh. Seth Rogen, everybody. All right, I've landed. I'm here. We've said our hellos. Can we please go to fucking Carl's Jr.?
This Is the End
For you, I will go. I promise, I'll stay with you all night, okay? I won't ditch you. No, 'cause I want to be with you all night. And you know why else? 'Cause nobody puts Jay in the corner.
This Is the End
Oh. I would... I would love to. I'm on a... I can't really eat that stuff right now. I'm on a, uh... What? I'm on this cleanse. You're... You're on a what? I'm on a cleanse.
This Is the End
Huh. Side by side. A team. Holy shit.
This Is the End
Hey, Seth Rogen. What up, man?
This Is the End
Holy shit.
This Is the End
This Is the End
Hey, Chris. How's it going? Hey, does this coke smell funny? Ooh! Fuck! Michael, what the fuck, man? That's expensive shit, motherfucker! What are you doing? I've never fucking done cocaine, dude. Why does it fucking... Well, you did the best shit possible for your first time, 'cause that's good fucking... Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm nervous, dude. I don't know what... What is wrong with you, man? Look, he's freaking out. Oh, shit. I've never done this fucking drug before, man. Mike, please. I'll walk you through it. I will walk you through it. Mike, no one... I'll be your guide. You're fine, Chris. You're fine. Is it on... You got some in your mustache, baby. What are you... Michael!
This Is the End
Why don't we do a sequel to Pineapple Express? I would love to do a sequel to Pineapple. Do you have any ideas, or... I do have an idea. What? It's that Red, Danny, has become, like, the drug lord, you know, since we killed the other one, and he wants to assassinate Woody Harrelson, 'cause he's gonna give a speech that makes all of weed legal, effectively rendering drug lords out of business. Awesome. Yeah, it's fucking awesome, but we don't have... We don't know how it should end yet. I... I know. Danny's trying to kill us. Yeah. And I sacrifice myself for you. And he kills me, and I die for you.
This Is the End
You let us both cum inside you. Yeah. Icing on the cake. Check it out.
This Is the End
That's why y'all number one. 'Cause of that.
This Is the End
Yeah, cool. Um...
This Is the End
This Is the End
What's up, buddy? How's it going, dude? Good to see you, man. Is that Jay Baruchel? Hi, there. Hey. Oh, my God, get in here, dude. How's it going, Jonah? What are you doing? Good. How you doing, buddy? Oh, my gosh. Welcome back. Thank you very much. When'd you get in? Uh, this morning, and boy, are my arms tired.
This Is the End
That's not cool. Don't touch my butt, bitch. Michael, that's not cool. Would you shut the fuck up, Jason! We're playing a game, man.