Found 1984 results

If you don't assassinate him... We already quit. ...I'm gonna assassinate both of you.

This Is the End

'Cause we're a team. Okay. Freaks forever, brother.

This Is the End

Look out! Shit!

This Is the End

Run! Go!

This Is the End

# And take your money # All I wanna do is... # B.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F. forever. B.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.

This Is the End

It's pretty great. We should make sequels to more of our movies. Yeah! How 'bout we not do Your Highness 2? Yeah. Do 128 Hours. The beginning of the rest of your comedies. Looks good.

This Is the End

Holy shit, man. Where did you get these? Hey, what's cheese without a few crackers? Know what I'm saying? Hide it. Okay.

This Is the End

Should we call Red? Get more weed? Oh, I don't know, man. That guy's gone crazy. Good thing I have a lot of fucking weed for you guys. I hooked you guys up. Now I need you guys to assassinate Woody Harrelson.

This Is the End

I smoked weed with Steve Jobs, and that's when he came up with the iPad.

This Is the End

Let's do all the drugs. I don't really want to. Should have thought of that before you drank a can full of ecstasy.

This Is the End

# Gangnam style # Op, op, op, op, oppan Gangnam style # Gangnam style # Op, op, op, op, oppan Gangnam style # Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh # Eh, sexy lady # Op, op, op, op # Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh # Oppan Gangnam style # # I fly like paper, get high like planes # If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name # If you come around here, I make 'em all day # I get one down in a second if you wait...

This Is the End

What lifestyle are you into? Look at him. He's, like, a hipster, right? No, I'm not a hipster, at all. Yeah, yeah, you do seem to hate a lot of things, and the bottom of your pants are awful tight. No, I just... I don't like Los Angeles. It doesn't make me a hipster. I'll bet you hate movies that are universally loved. I don't even... You like Forrest Gump? No, no, it's a horrendous piece of shit. "Life is like a box of chocolates," no? Yeah, no, I'm familiar with it.

This Is the End

This is crazy! Yeah? Yeah, man, right? Look at it. A bit much. I don't think it is a bit much. I think it's right on the money. What is he, Pablo Escobar? Come on, man, this is an awesome street. Channing Tatum lives up there. Oh, for the love of... Will you stop talking about... This is the sexiest street in America. You and Channing Tatum. I think he's attractive.

This Is the End

Tell you what, boys, I'm kind of jonesing, so I'm gonna find someone I can bum a smoke off of outside, all right? That's tight, dude. Honestly, I like you. Hey, likewise. Okay, dude, come back. I'll be right back. You're holding court. All right, boys.

This Is the End

You okay, man? It's nothing. It's just, you know, as soon as we got there, you did what you said you wouldn't do. What did I do? You just fucking ditched my ass. I didn't ditch you. Are you kidding me, man? I did not ditch you. I was talking to Jonah, and then you left to go have a cigarette. Well, you know, my cigarette was an excuse. I really went outside 'cause Jonah was being a prick. Jonah was not being a prick. If anything, you were kind of being a prick. Jonah's the nicest guy ever, man. Oh, my God, that's a thin veneer of kindness. Nobody's that nice. Jonah is that nice. Serial killers are that nice. Just answer me one question. Is Michael Cera's butthole as adorable as I pictured? Oh, for fuck's sake. I picture it looking like a little donut, like a little pink sprinkled donut.

This Is the End

"You never know what you're gonna get. "

This Is the End

Seth Rogen! Shit, here we go. Hey. How's it going, man? Yeah, good. So, you, like, always play, like, the same guy in every movie. When are you gonna do some, like, real acting, man? Okay, thank you. Give me something. Give me, like, the laugh, man. Give me the Seth Rogen laugh. Seth Rogen, everybody. All right, I've landed. I'm here. We've said our hellos. Can we please go to fucking Carl's Jr.?

This Is the End

For you, I will go. I promise, I'll stay with you all night, okay? I won't ditch you. No, 'cause I want to be with you all night. And you know why else? 'Cause nobody puts Jay in the corner.

This Is the End