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I'm serious, boys. It's all in here, in the Book of Revelations. You took my Bible? Well, just hear me out, and you tell me that what I'm describing isn't what's going on right now.

This Is the End

Jesus Christ! Look, there's a huge fucking hole down there! What the fuck is this?

This Is the End

Doesn't feel too good, does it?

This Is the End

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

This Is the End


This Is the End


This Is the End

There's a lookout!

This Is the End

Go fish. Put it back inside of here. Do you know what it is? Yeah. Now you ask me for something that you need. First bit. You're not cutting it all? That's smart. You're divvying it up first.

This Is the End

So, that means you're just as shitty as the rest of us.

This Is the End

Where's the thing that killed the guy? I don't know. How'd his head fall off? And where's the rest of him?

This Is the End

- Earthquakes cause tsunamis. - Yes. Tsunamis cause other tsunamis, disaster. I mean, for all we know, the fucking Lakers could have just won, and that's the reason why all this is happening. Hole in Franco's front yard? Sinkhole. Every single time I turn on the news, sinkhole in South America. Bunch of South Americans getting sucked into the ground. Sinkhole de Mayo. Sinkhole de Mayo. That's why it's named that, because sinkholes happen in the summertime. It's not wildfires. It's not earthquakes. It's not sinkholes. I think I know what it is. Let's hear it.

This Is the End

If they're all equal, what does it matter? Keep your hands and fingers off. Seth? Yeah. Can I talk to you for a second? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no shit.

This Is the End

This is like, Fruyere or some shit. That's me. Come on, Danny! You licked your finger. Come on, man.

This Is the End

You're letting them get away!

This Is the End

Here. Off the menu, my man.

This Is the End

Fuck that dude.

This Is the End

Fuck are you guys doing out here? Here's what I think we should do. She's British, right? She's used to eating shitty food anyway. Let's just give her all the shitty food that we don't want. That's fucked up. Look how tiny she is. She's not even a full seven. She's, like, half a seven. This is a fucking cool thing, man. I, for one, am very excited. I'm a massive Harry Potterfan. What? Yes. I love fucking Harry Potter. I cannot wait till she wakes up and I can ask her all these amazing questions about how they made those motion pictures. Take it easy, Dumbledore. Guys, listen, listen. I think we need to address the elephant in the room. Whoa. Jay, don't talk about Craig like that. That's fucked up. I'm right here, man. Yeah. I'm not calling Craig an elephant. Wow, that's fucking weird. What does that even mean? Yeah, no. That's racist. I wasn't referring to him. I was referring to the issue that's on all of our minds. What? This is one girl in a house with six males. Yeah. Really safe. Ideal scenario. She's like a little sister. I think that she needs... It's important that she feels safe. Yeah. And comfortable. And we should be mindful. Who's making her not feel safe? Well, I'm just saying, we should... We don't want to give off a bad vibe. Vibe? Vibes? I ain't giving no vibes. Yeah, wait, what kind of vibes are you talking about, man? He's talking about us giving off a rapey vibe. Hey! Shh! Whoa! What? Jesus. Jay, what the fuck, man? Chill out, dude. Why you putting that shit in the mix? Yeah. He fucking said it. You're the one saying it. No one here is thinking about raping anyone. Shh! Well, you talking about vibes is the only thing that's rapey going on right now. Dude, nothing was rapey till you brought up the rapey vibes. Fucking one who smelt it dealt it, dawg. True that, dude. One who denies it supplies it. I know, it's farts, I get it. Guys, guys, guys. Jay's not rapey.

This Is the End

Jay couldn't rape a fly. He probably could. Maybe we should just stop this entire conversation right now. If anyone's gonna rape anyone here, it's probably gonna be Danny. What the fuck, Franco? What? Why do you think I'm gonna rape somebody? I'm just trying to lay it out there. I'm not gonna rape anyone, all right? If anyone's gonna rape somebody, it's Jay. - What? - He came up with the rape idea. And his face looks like the police sketch of a fucking rapist. True. What the fuck does that mean? If anybody's raping Emma Watson, it's fucking Sir Rapes-a-Lot over here. Chill out. Hey!

This Is the End