Jay, you fool. I say unto thee, the power of Christ compels you! Oh, does it? Does it compel me? The power of Christ compels you! Does it, Jay? The power of Christ compels you! Is the power of Christ compelling me? Is that what's happening? The power of Christ compels you! Guess what? It's not that compelling. Jay, you serious right now? That's your fuckin' plan? You're gonna repeat lines from The Exorcist? I would assume they did their fuckin' research. It's a movie! It's a manual. It's a fuckin' training manual.
This Is the End
Uh, looks like food. How'd that get there? What? You have more food? You knew he had extra food? Yeah, he gave me one cracker. I would have sucked a dick for half a cracker. All right, well, maybe I didn't want you to suck my dick, all right? Look... I didn't want to suck it! That's the point of what I said! It was my fucking food! Guys, guys, guys, fire! Boys, boys, boys... Shit! Jonah's on fire!
What are we going back for? What are you talking about? In theory, we could just fuckin' stay here. And here, you don't have to sleep in a friggin' tent under a dick. I like my dick tent. I'm just saying, we could build a life here together, Craig. I'd be really good to you.
This Is the End
You will drown in a river of blood. The End of Days is here. You will quiver in the shadow of Kingdom Come. Judgment Day is upon you. The Apocalypse is nigh!