- Who you calling ign'ant? - You, motherfucker. You're fucking arrogant! Everything he's shown you is fake. He's shown you what you wanna see. He's fooled you, you fucking idiot! God, look how ready you are to betray me. This whole time, I thought you were Samwise to my Frodo. But you're just Boromir. I don't know who that is. That's such a Boromir thing to say! This is fucking done. You are fucking done after this. Once you kill this motherfucker, this shit's over. - You are going to kill him! - You've turned me into a gun. And you're pointing me at the one guy who gets me. Well, you know what, cowboy?
The Interview
- Hey, how's it going, dude? - Not good. We should take a walk. No, no, no. I can't walk this off. I cannot walk this off. I need to...
The Interview
What the fuck...?
The Interview
He's just like Digby. Just like Digby. - I think I'm gonna die. Oh, my God. - Don't die, please.
The Interview
Fake grapefruits!
The Interview
It's happening.
The Interview
Let me ask you something.
The Interview
What are you gonna do, drop nukes on L.A.? - Nuke your mama! - I bet they can't even make it to Australia!
The Interview
It's happening.
The Interview
- And then you're never gonna leave me. - North Korea's in the Olympics, right? I bet they have an office to communicate with the Olympic Committee... so there's probably some infrastructure for communicating through that. - Those wheels are turning. - If I leave a message for that office... then maybe, if they're a fan, that can actually work. We could interview the most famous man on the planet. Guys, some pictures just came out... where it looks like McConaughey's fucking a goat. - McConaughey goat fuck? - McConaughey goat fuck.
The Interview
Making you my little Korean bitch!
The Interview
Oh, no.
The Interview
No! Whoa! No! - No hands. - No hands? I'm not into handsy shit. That's how I like it.
The Interview
They call me incompetent. That's what they said about me when I scored this interview! - No way! - They said, "Dave Skylark is stupid... and incompetent." You're handsome, competent, suave. How dare they? I pretend like their insults don't get to me.
The Interview
Good morning, Dave.
The Interview
That is fucked up. Yeah, tell me about it. Jordan!
The Interview
That our luxurious lifestyles turned us into homosexuals.