Would you like a drink... or some of Aaron's cocaine? - This is not our coke. This is our... - No, I'm sure it's not. So how can we...? What can we do you for? - To what do we owe the pleasure? - Well, Aaron, Dave... as I'm sure you know already... Kim Jong-un is now capable of nuking all of the West Coast. The point is, we're talking about nuclear nations at war with each other. Nuclear. He does have one tactical advantage over the West. He's more than willing to let millions and millions of his own people die.
The Interview
Tensions between your nation and South Korea are at a high. It's fair to say that you're on the brink of armed conflict. So what I want to know is... in these times of great stress... do you do karaoke? Yes, I do, Dave. I believe that it is important for those in power... to remain in touch with the beauty in life. You are also a very accomplished painter, aren't you? Well, how can I not be? - He's reading the script. - He lulls them and then he gets them. It's his technique. The beauty guides you. It guides my hand.
The Interview
You know, I have to admit, before I came here... I thought this place was gonna be a dump. Of course. For decades you've heard the false rumors: "North Korea is a failed state. We can't feed our people." It's all propaganda. I see. Well, yeah, I mean... I did see a fat kid and a really nice-looking grocery store. Oh, we have beautiful grocery stores here in North Korea. One of my favorite things to do is just strolling up and down the aisles... to see the beautiful fruits of my country's land. I can believe that. It looks like you hit the grocery store pretty often. Screw you, Dave. - Hey, you want to see something cool? - Yeah.
The Interview
He's alive, everybody. Oh, fuck! Got a bulletproof vest on! I don't know how he got it! But he's got it on! Thank you for watching my interview. This is Dave Skylark... signing off.
The Interview
How do you prove to 24 million people... that their god is a murderer and a liar?
The Interview
The Interview
Thank you for joining me, President Kim Jong-un. It is my pleasure, Dave. You know... there is so much misunderstanding about North Korea... and me personally. And I can't think of a man with greater intelligence than you. I am grateful... for this opportunity for my government and for the international community... to forge a better relationship. - So you wanna set the record straight. - Indeed, Dave. Camera three.
The Interview
Oh, man, this is great! Can we fire the gun? Think I'd tease you and not take you all the way? - Really?! - Close that shit. - Closing the hatch! - Okay. Boom, boom, boom!
The Interview
Yeah! You're hairy! You so hairy like a bear! You're fucking sexy. Yeah. - Your nipples are so pink! - Yes, they are. I love it!
The Interview
I'm so fucking pissed. - I just wanna hit something! - No! Don't punch anything!
The Interview
I'll be back. So how'd you wind up as one of the heads... of a dictatorship?
The Interview
- Okay. Shall we begin? - Okay. You ready? Shut the fuck up. Guys, it's starting!
The Interview
What am I to do when 24 million people... look to me as their leader, their god?