Found 604 results

I don't think I can stomach any more of this garbage. - Same here. - Words out of my mouth. I used to sleep on a lamb's-wool bean-bag next to an electric space-heater. That's my territory. I'm an indoor dog. I starred in 22 consecutive Doggy Chop commercials. Look at me now. I couldn't land an audition. I was the lead mascot for an undefeated high-school baseball team. I lost all my spirit. I'm depressing. I only ask for what I've always had: a balanced diet, regular grooming, and a general physical once a year. I think I might give up. - What, right now? - Right now. There's no future on Trash Island. You heard the rumor, right? About Buster. - Not sure. - Can you remind me? Who's Buster? Uh, my brother from another litter. - What happened to him? - Suicided. Hanged himself by his own leash. - Hmm. - Oh, boy. I want my master. Ah... You make me sick. I've seen cats with more balls than you dogs. Stop licking your wounds! You hungry? Kill something and eat it. You sick? Take a long nap. You cold? Dig a hole in the ground, crawl into it, and bury yourself. But nobody's giving up around here, and don't you forget it, ever. You're Rex! You're King! You're Duke! You're Boss! I'm Chief. We're a pack of scary, indestructible Alpha Dogs. You're talking like a bunch of house-broken... pets. You don't understand. Uh, how could you? You're a...

Isle of Dogs

For a thousand years, these resilient animals have loved, served and protected us. Now, in their time of greatest need, we forsake them again? A tidal-wave of Anti-Dog hysteria has crippled our moral judgment. Give me six months, and I will deliver a serum. I'm this close, dammit. Dog-Flu will be eradicated. Snout-fever will be defeated. Canine Saturation will be returned to sustainable levels and without mass-neutering!

Isle of Dogs

Some say they swam to the mainland, but this seems unlikely. Too far to dog-paddle. Some say they're still with us, in the Far-away Cuticles, beyond the Middle Fingers.

Isle of Dogs

Ten centuries ago, before the Age of Obedience, free dogs roamed at liberty, marking their territory. Seeking to extend its dominion, the cat-loving Kobayashi Dynasty declared war and descended in force upon the unwary four-legged beasts. On the eve of total canine annihilation, a child warrior sympathetic to the plight of the besieged underdog dogs betrayed his species, beheaded the head of the head of the Kobayashi clan and pledged his sword with the following battle-cry haiku. He would later be known as the Boy Samurai of Legend, RIP. At the end of the bloody dog wars, the vanquished mongrels became powerless house-pets: tamed, mastered, scorned. But they survived and multiplied. The Kobayashis, however, never forgave their conquered foe.

Isle of Dogs

The Isle of Dogs.

Isle of Dogs

He has appeared in Oracle's visions.

Isle of Dogs

I wouldn't drink that, if I were you.

Isle of Dogs

Anyway, that's my favorite food I ever ate. The old woman made a great bowl of chili.

Isle of Dogs

Go ahead, say it. I'm a stray, yeah.

Isle of Dogs

I've gone to find my dog.

Isle of Dogs

I can hear you, Master Atari. I can hear you. I can hear you. I can hear you.

Isle of Dogs

My ward, Atari, has been kidnapped against his will by a pack of disobedient, contagious, infected animals. He will be rescued promptly, returned to safety, and grounded for the duration of his childhood years. His five dog-abductors have been identified through the use of advanced Tooth-and-Tail Recognition Software: They will, of course, be captured and violently destroyed.

Isle of Dogs

I wish somebody spoke his language.

Isle of Dogs

Where'd you get that dog? He looks like me with a pink nose.

Isle of Dogs

Spots will be the first dog to be officially deported from the city.

Isle of Dogs

You seek a dog named Spots.

Isle of Dogs

The path favored by Mayor Kobayashi is cruel and unscientific.

Isle of Dogs

Blizzards of infected fleas, worms, ticks and lice menace the citizenship. Dog-Flu threatens to cross the species threshold and enter the human disease-pool.

Isle of Dogs