Is it... So it's yours? I don't know. That's what she's saying.
Look at you. She's pregnant. Just found out. The... This one? Pissed on a stick, came in, laid it on me five seconds ago.
- Casper's here. - How ya doing? - Glad you're here. Look at you. - How's it going? Come over here. Candy, come over here. You're a sight for sore eyes. What you want to eat, something? I want to see you eat something. Alright? I'm worried. Eat some crackers or something. Thanks.
Sat there and we realised we're just good friends.
- I got a food truck. - Get the hell out! No shit. You got a fucking taco truck? Tony! Tony, Carl's got a fucking taco truck. For real? - Jefe! Like with tacos and shit? - I just... Yeah, I would assume. What are you gonna cook? You know, Cuban sandwiches, plátanos, arroz con pollo. Simple shit like we used to do for family meal. Oh, yeah, I remember those days, man. - Fuck he doing with a taco truck? - Goddamn. - I'd love some of that shit now. - What's he doing with a taco truck? - It's good, right? It could be cool. - Yeah. Get the fuck off the phone, bro. Let's go! Alright, alright, alright! I'm sorry. I'm sorry, man. Attila the Hun is calling me. I gotta go, man. Alright. Be good, man.
Truth be told, food trucks are a great idea. You know what I mean? I think we take it back to something simple. Let me see if I got something to say anymore. I don't even know. - It's no problem. - I'll pay you back. As long as it's not weird for you... I don't want you to feel like because you were with Inez and you guys were sleeping together and I was with her and we had this... I was with her, then you were with her, and then maybe I fucked her after. I don't even know what happened with us.
Are we... we're talking about the carpet now or are we talking about the, um... the... - We're talking about... - I don't even know anymore. I think, um... I'd go with the brown. And as far as that goes, that's a personal... that's... - I don't know. - You're not a turd, OK? I don't want you to feel that way coming in here with your hat in your hand. You went fucking crazy on the internet. That was awesome. You lost respect, which I love, 'cause it's passion. You know, you lost everything. You know, you're not a loser, but you have lost, OK? You're not a turd. A turd that lost. I don't know that I feel like a turd. - Good. - I feel like I had a bad week. I feel like I lost my job, I made an ass of myself on the internet. I'm divorced, I'm old, I got no money. I live in a shitty apartment in Venice. But you know what makes me feel like a turd? That I'm in my ex-wife's ex-husband's office and asking for a fucking favour and all he's doing is busting my balls. I like this humility. It's good.
Thank you. Don't thank me till you see it.
I came out to LA for a Clippers game once and I think we had a couple of drinks and we went to Islands. - And I think she had... - What happened between you two? You know what? It doesn't matter. Here's what happened. We're talking about a white-on-white '88 Chevy Grumman food truck. It's a blank canvas for your dreams. I'm gonna have 'em pull it around.
She stays on my desk and I fucking got something on her. But you decide. What do you think?
- Is this the new truck? - This is it. This is the truck. - Ahh! - It's got good bones. It's gonna need a lot of work, though. What doesn't? Wanna take a look around, champ? - Do I have to? - Go! Go and look at your dad's new truck. Can I ask you a question? Is something wrong? - Did you sleep with him? - With who? With Marvin. Did you sleep with Marvin? But of course I did. He's my ex-husband. I mean, since we were divorced. Have you slept... Who did you sleep with last, him or me? I'm sorry, but this is none of your business what I did... - I think it might be. - ..after I divorce you. Second of all, I don't ask you what you do with your hot little waitress. - That's completely different. - OK, really. - And that's not fair. - Yeah, yeah. This is somebody you loved and shared a life with... Why do we have to talk about this right now? Because I took a business meeting with the guy. - This is not the moment. - It is. I wanna know why. He's smiling like he's got something on me. - I dunno what it is. - Please, you know him. - I do know how him. - You know how he is. So who cares? - I care! - Why do you need to know? - I just would like to... - OK. It doesn't bother me. I just wanna know. Just listen. I was very sad. I was very lonely. - And you, more than anyone, know... - OK. That's it. That's enough. how I get after I have a couple of drinks. - I don't want to know the details. - I get... Please. I'm not one of your girlfriends. - Don't tell me. Stop talking. - He was my first. - OK, the kid's here. - It came out like a natural, organic thing. - I don't want to know about this. - We didn't...
But a chef's knife, it belongs to the chef, not to the kitchen. So it's your responsibility to keep it sharp, clean, not to lose it. - Can you handle that? - Yes.
This is a good knife. It'll last you a long time if you take care of it. Don't lose it. I won't. Thank you.
Ahh! That's good. Oh, look at that. Oh, yeah. My masterpiece, baby. - That's beautiful. - Miami, I am back. Pow! You could have just bought this at the store. I think they sold it there.