- I love you, Tony. I love you. - Thanks, Chef. - Look at that. - Mmm. I love both of you. We love you, man. Let's have a three-way right here. Come on. Come on. - Hang on, hang on. - I love you, man. - I'm glad you made up with him. - Thanks. Did you take the garbage out? The truth of the matter is nobody's calling me. I got no job prospects whatsoever. - What about those offers you got? - No. It's all dried out. - Why, from the online shit? - It must be from the online thing. - Come on. - I'm like a fucking cat playing a piano. I don't even know what that means. I'm everywhere. OK? Like, I'm, like... I'm, like, a meme.
- Wow. - It's good? Huh? Look at that. - Too much heat? - That's perfect, Chef. - It's good? Seasoning? - Oh, it's perfect. - It's nice and spicy. - You like it? - Oh, man. - Ha, jefe? Look at that. - I do. - Yeah? - It's fucking great. - Is it good? - Don't fuck with me. - But it's so good. - See, jefe? I told you. - It's flavourful as fuck, man. - It's nice, right? - Umm. - Is it good? - Yo, Big Dog, fuck Twitter.
What the hell are you doing here, man? What's this madness, huh? - This is crazy. - Yeah. - You didn't go home, did you? - No. - Come here. Check it out. - Go home, man. - You've been here all night. Go home. - Come here. Get some sleep. Fuck Twitter. Come on, get outta here. "Fuck Twitter"? What are you talking about, "Fuck Twitter"? I mean, you know, fuck 'em. That's what I mean. - Who reads that shit anyhow? - I'm not on Twitter. I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing. Just classic bullshit. What is that? - That's carne asada. Check it out. - Wow.
Good. I'm gonna make it up to him.
- We both agreed not to do that. - I know. Why don't I just cook you something? Oh, OK. Fuck it. Let's go.
I don't get it. I don't get it. Everyone loved it. He loved it, even. Then Why'd he write all that mean shit about me? About my food? Who cares? Who cares? I do. 'Cause I could have done better. I should have cooked the shit I was gonna cook. You're ignoring the fact that everyone was happy and you're making a problem where there's no problem. It's not hard to make people happy. There's certain things you could put on a menu that'll make everybody happy. If you put ahi tuna on a menu, it will sell out. It's guaranteed. You know that. But I cooked the beef cheek, which is a better dish, and nobody wants to even try it. - It was good, though. - Yeah, for family meal. Well, who you cooking for, though? That's my point. Why do I have to pick? Why do I have to choose? Why can't I have both? There are chefs that cook food that they believe in and people will try because they're open to a new experience and they'll end up liking it. - What do you want me to say to you? - The truth. You want me to tell you that you're the best chef that I ever worked with. And it's true, because you are. You are, Carl. You are the best chef I've ever worked with. - OK. - I mean it. Well, thank you. You're welcome.
Well, we do things. No, not just, like, watching something or doing something. Like, hanging out and talking. And learning things from each other. I figured, you know, with you living at Mom's house and me working all the time, when we hung out, you liked to do fun things. I think this is kinda fun. You know, just figuring stuff out. Like when you lived at home.
@ChefCarlCasper? Is that cool? Yeah, that's good. At... Chef...
- Taken. - Someone took my name?
You know about Twitter? - Yeah, I have an account. - Yeah?
- It's good. - You bet your ass it's good. Can you turn that down, please? Oh, sorry. Arrgh!
- Mom cuts off the crust. - Yeah, well, I don't.
- Oh, shit, is that gochujang? - Nothing. Nothing. - Damn, you made fucking gochujang? - Yeah, that's under the squab. But he's gonna 86 it. Riva's gonna 86 it, I know. - Yo, this gochujang is good. - Don't worry about fucking Riva. He ain't gonna let you serve that Korean shit. Let me handle him. Don't worry about that. I got it. He says I can cook whatever I want. - Alright. Alright. - We're gonna cook like this. - Did you try that? Oh, hey. - Oh, man. That's broccoli rabe l'anchois. Check this out. This is ridiculous. - What you got over there? - I got...
"Fuck Twitter". Again with the "Fuck Twitter". Why should I fuck Twitter? - You're not on Twitter? - No. You're getting too much pussy? Is that the problem? It's gotta be, right? What does Twitter have to do with pussy? Have you not heard of the term 'social networking'? - Yeah. - Well, that's what it is. - It means pussy? - Like, pussy. Or, like, getting tickets to something. - Or finding about a new band. - Flash mobs. That kind of stuff. - Anything that requires a database. - So pussy requires a database? Yeah! So show me what's on Twitter that's so bad that I should see.
Carl... Casper. So is this for sex? Eww! Is that what you're doing this for? No, I'm not doing it for that. Someone wrote something bad. I wanna see what they wrote. Good. Oh, shit. Hey. You can't talk like that. I don't care if Mommy's not around. I don't want you cursing around here. - That review went viral. - What does that mean? It means it got picked up and re-tweeted everywhere. So all these people have read the review? - Yeah. - Oh, shit. - I think it's kinda cool. - I don't. - No, I mean, us doing this. - Doing what? You know, just hanging out. We hang out all the time. No, like, hanging out and doing something.