If I get him to you, can you get him to talk? I'll get him to sing. We're going after the Mob's life savings. Things will get ugly. I knew the risk when I took this job, lieutenant. How will you get him back, any--? He does that. Our Chinese friends left town before I could tell them the deal was off. Well, I'm sure that you've always wanted to go to Hong Kong. What's wrong with a phone call? I think Mr. Lau deserves a more personal touch.
The Dark Knight
Are you telling me that you're gonna protect the other traitor in Gordon's unit? I don't know, he never told me. Listen, Dent, I swear to God, I didn't know what they were gonna do to you. That's funny... ...because I don't know what's gonna happen to you either.
The Dark Knight
I didn't have time to talk this through. -What are you doing? -They're transferring me to Central Holding.
The Dark Knight
There's a better view from the peak tram. How's the view from LSI Holdings?
The Dark Knight
Well, you trust them over at County? I don't trust them here.
The Dark Knight
-Could you identify him for us, please? -You win, counselor.
The Dark Knight
Red team, go! Red team, go!
The Dark Knight
No. No, I wouldn't.
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight
How could you want to raise children in a city like this? -Well, I was raised here. I turned out okay. -Is Wayne Manor in the city limits? Is--? Heh-heh. The Palisades? Sure. You know, as our new DA, you might wanna figure out where your jurisdiction ends. I'm talking about the kind of city that idolizes a masked vigilante. Gotham City is proud of an ordinary citizen standing up for what's right. Gotham needs heroes like you, elected officials... -...not a man who thinks he's above the law. -Who appointed the Batman? We did. All of us who stood by and let scum take control of our city. But this is a democracy, Harvey. When their enemies were at the gates... ...the Romans would suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city. It wasn't considered an honor, it was a public service. Harvey, the last man that they appointed to protect the republic was named Caesar... -...and he never gave up his power. -Okay, fine. You either die a hero... ...or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Whoever the Batman is, he doesn't wanna do this for the rest of his life. How could he? Batman is looking for someone to take up his mantle. Someone like you, Mr. Dent?
The Dark Knight
Five hundred and twenty-seven counts of obstruction of justice. How do the defendants plead? Order in the court. Five hundred and forty-nine criminals at once. How did you convince Surrillo to hear this farce? She shares my enthusiasm for justice. After all, she is a judge. Even if you blow enough smoke to get convictions out of Surrillo... ...you're gonna set a new record at appeals. It won't matter. The head guys make bail, sure. But the midlevel guys, they can't. They can't afford to be off the streets. They'll cut deals that include some jail time. Think of all you could do with 18 months of clean streets.
The Dark Knight
-Gordon. I have the Joker's location. Prewitt Building. Assemble on the building opposite. At midnight, I blow you all up. If, however, one of you presses the button, I'll let that boat live. So who's it gonna be? Harvey Dent's most-wanted scumbag collection... ...or the sweet and innocent civilians? You choose. Oh, and you might wanna decide quickly... ...because the people on the other boat may not be quite so noble.
The Dark Knight
-I'm not aware of any participation.... -Our boy looks good on the tube. You sure you wanna embarrass me in front of my friends? Oh, don't worry. They're coming too. Have a nice trip. See you next fall. Seven hundred twelve counts of extortion. Eight hundred and forty-nine counts of racketeering. Two hundred and forty-six counts of fraud. Eighty-seven counts of conspiracy murder.
The Dark Knight
-A freak. Damn right. A guy like me-- Look, listen. I know why you choose to have your little, ahem... ...group-therapy sessions in broad daylight. I know why you're afraid to go out at night. The Batman. See, Batman has shown Gotham your true colors, unfortunately. Dent, he's just the beginning.
The Dark Knight
You're due in court. I need you alive long enough to get you on the record. You can't protect me. You can't even protect yourselves. You refuse to cooperate, you're not coming back here, you go to County. How long do you calculate you'll last in there?
The Dark Knight
All you care about is money. This town deserves a better class of criminal... ...and I'm gonna give it to them.
The Dark Knight
Did Batman save you, Daddy? Actually, this time... ...I saved him.