Boo! Pick a plotline! - Ow! Careful! - GUARD: Hold still! BING BONG: You can't do this! BING BONG: I know people in Headquarters!
Inside Out
Ugh, he's making that stupid face again. MOM'S ANGER: I could strangle him right now.
Inside Out
You like to read minds, Meg? I got something for you to read, right here! Let's just be calm for one second! Ahhh! (YELLING)
Inside Out
They took something that you loved.
Inside Out
Is it garbage night? We left the toilet seat up? What? What is it, woman? What?
Inside Out
- JOY: (GASPS) Your rocket! - Yeah. I stashed it in there for safekeeping, and now I'm all set to take Riley to the moon!
Inside Out
Inside Out
Yeah, it's good. What happened with the playoffs? We won the first game. Coach says we might actually go to the finals this year. Oh, and we've got this new girl on the team. She's so cool. Uh, she did not just say that. A new girl? Meg has a new friend already? - (ANGER GRUMBLING) - Hey, hey! Stay happy! We do not want to lose any more islands here, guys! MEG: We can pass the puck to each other without even looking. It's like mind reading!
Inside Out
That's weird. Graham Cracker Castle used to be right here. BING BONG: I wonder why they moved it? Wow, that's not... I would have sworn Sparkle Pony Mountain was right here. - Hey, what's going on? - Yeah, yeah... I don't know... - We'll have to come back. - (GASPS) Princess Dream World!
Inside Out
Sadness. Don't make him feel worse. Sorry. It's all I had left of Riley.
Inside Out
Ah, come back here, you little monkey!
Inside Out
Inside Out
- Riley. What's wrong? - Let's go. MOM: You're not going to finish tryouts? - What's the point? - Hey. It'll be all right. Let's just go back... Stop saying everything will be all right! (GIRLS CHEERING)
Inside Out
Inside Out
- BING BONG: ♪ Who's your friend - Bing Bong? ♪ Who likes to play? Bing Bong, Bing Bong! a' JOY: Sadness, stop! It was working! BING BONG: Ow.
Inside Out
Ah! So, Riley, how was school? - You got to be kidding me! - Seriously? For this we gave up that Brazilian helicopter pilot?